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squirrels and chipmunks and puppies, oh my!


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I'm about to lose my mind! The squirrels and chipmunks have decided that Finn is in no way a threat through the glass door. We have a constant supply of falling maple "propellers" and the little critters spend their entire days eating them on the porch. I sweep them up and then the next day, fresh supply, there is no way to keep up with it. The little :censored: buggers will just sit there and munch less than a foot from Finn's face. He'll be making a ruckus and pawing madly at the glass and they just keep on munching away knowing that he can't get to them. I've gotten him to be quiet generally while watching his critters in the backyard, as he can see about 30 feet away through the window and there is almost always a squirrel in the yard, but when they are SO CLOSE, he just doesn't have enough self control to quietly watch. He's a 5 month old ratting dog with incredible prey drive - I really can't expect him to be able to calm down when they are literally up his nose! We're working on it, but it is slow going. Any suggestions besides a "calm down" command of sorts?

Here's 30 seconds of what I get to listen to...


Hahahaha!! Finn is so adorable and growing up too quickly. I think this is the chipmunks way of getting revenge for all the times he is chased by dogs. We have those evil critters here too and once they realize our maniacs cannot get out they take full advantage of the situation.


Brad, thanks for fixing the link. Just noticed it and was about to fix my post, you beat me to it while Finn and I were out on a walk!


Poor Finn. They're so near and yet so far . . .

Any way you could fence the back yard (or a portion of it) so Finn could give those chipmunks the what for?


It didn't seem such a bad noise to me! I suppose because Angus is 9 months as opposed to 5!! Also Angus would be throwing himself at the window, growling and barking hysterically.

Woodchucks and mice hate mothballs. I sprinkled some under a little shed/barn place I have and no more problems. Maybe you could see how chipmunks react if you throw a few around under the tree.


Kirby gets the same treatment from squirrels and chipmunks here. There's a tree right outside one living room window and the squirrels seem to love to hang right there in front of him. That little squeak of Finn's is actually kind of cute; just wait until he starts with the Cairn Screech of Death. Poor Kirby lets out a shriek and goes racing around, then when I yell at him, he looks at me like, "Oops, sorry Mom. I forgot..."

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

I would open the door and let Finn get em!


Don't know what your gonna do. That's the way the "chips" fall. Well, at least Finn is getting plenty of excercise with rapid heart movement and he's not bored. But he does need a little satisfaction - I vote for a fence and open the door. :) Cute video.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Poor lad, he is frustrated - I agree with others, fence and open door!



HAHAAH awesome video, fonzy was looking at the laptop when i was playing the video, :D

Click to show the full size image!


Awww, that's pure Cairn torture!! Anyway Finn can be out on the porch, on Chipmunk patrol, on a lead?


Finn needs to catch the "chippy" -this is our endearing term for chipmunk to Ivy. Just saying the word sends her over the edge and she begins to squeal........ :D


  • I understand your predicament - Layla lays on the top of the couch cushions on chirpie patrol and if one gets too close to the porch, she starts up. I ask if she wants to "get em" and the immediate response is to jump down and fly across the carpet and starts slipping and sliding over the hard wood floors till she gets to the front door which I have to have open as she flies out onto the deck to give those critters a "what-for and you-know-who" lesson on who the porch really belongs to.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Would love to open the door and let him loose on them! They used to at least run when I knocked on the window, now they realize that humans behind glass aren't even a threat. It is like a reverse zoo around here. Unfortunately, we're not fenced, we're about to sell this house AND last night I finally figured out what was digging up my grass - a raccoon! So...given that we have at least one huge coon on the property, not letting the 10 lb puppy alone on the line or outside at all! the raccoon is a new addition to our menagerie of backyard critters here that has also included over the past couple years: moles, voles, chipmunks, large grey squirrels, small red squirrels, groundhogs, possum, skunks and foxes!


Do you have a new house selected? I certainly hope that Finn gets a say-so in giving it a *paws up* or *paws down* vote. :P


yup - Finn says a must have is a fenced in back yard with lots of running room. :) Good luck with your house sellling!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



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