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Ivy strikes again....

Ivy & Lucy's Mom

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Well, my little cairn never ceases to amaze me and she is not my first cairn. Today, she decided to run through her invisible fence to run with a jogger in our neighborhood (please don't judge me..I know how many feel about the invisible fence but she is never out there without me) Anyways, she ran all the way to the top of our street. I could barely see her. I decided to get my car keys and drive to get her because she was so far away. By the time I went into the house and got my keys, she reappeared at the bottom of the driveway with her head down. I picked her up and told her a stern NO!!! I brought her inside and believe it or not, SHE PUT HERSELF INTO TIME OUT IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM FOR 2 HOURS. She knew she was bad. I learned 2 things from her today-she knows when she is bad and she knows exactly where she lives......oh and she knows how to make me melt. It is so hard to discipline her.


Wow, so lucky she didn't get hit by a car or whatnot :(

Im so happy she came home back safe, she seems like a really good and awesomely trained Dog, good work Ivysmom congrats ;)

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How funny! What a clever girl to know exactly where she is.

I can imagine what went through her head when she took off with her jogger friend "Hey, that looks fun!" or "WAIT FOR ME!!"

...Temporary loss of impulse control, Mom!


So hard. It is so hard to discipline because they melt our hearts with their sweet faces and sweet reactions. Dempsy will do that too - punish himself - which makes it all the more harder on me ... little stinkers. Glad Ivy is back in your arms. Glad she knows her house - does she know your cell phone number too? Give Ivy an extra hug from Demps - I think they would get along fantastically.

Yes, their little brains get an idea and they "run" with it. :)

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



I loved reading about Ivy's latest escapade, especially how she put herself into a timeout for two hours. That must have been priceless to see. Very smart girl!


Actually, I am still laughing. I wish my kids disciplined themselves. Everyday with a cairn is another hysterical story. Ivy is definitely a comedian.


I'm sorry I am laughing so hard but I can't help it. I can imagine the panic you felt but I can Imagine Ivy even more. How funny!

If we leave and come home Kelly always greets us with the happy but wag and cute little prance, but if she has done something she's not suppose to do she always tells on herself her head will hang so low and even her fur is limp she looks like a wilted flower when she greets us at the door and she will show us what she has done then go lay on her bed for a while. A coupe of times she wouldn't tell us and I never could figure out what she did. She must have thought it was really bad she laid on her bed all evening and night. How can they be sooo cute?

I have a hard time with discipline. I laugh a lot!


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