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Are these pups brindle?


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Are most of these puppies brindle?

Need some expert opinions...



Our Cairns: Attila (Sprouted 03/09/11), Tessa (Sprouted 01/14/12)


Jock who is now definately a grey/black/red brindle was the exact color of the pup on the right in your last picture. He has changed his color a few times over the years. I bet they are all brindle.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


Idaho Cairns

Three appear to be now but as you know that can and probably will change as they grow older. I suppose there are some Cairn folks that can accurately predict to what degree a six week old pup will eventually look like but I'm not one of them. I can absolutely guarantda.ntee you that I would take anyone of those sleeping beauties in the photo and be happier than a pig in....---well you know what I mean.


They look brindle but you will not know for a while yet what their colour could be - I know of a cain that looked brindle as pup [and was registered as such] and is now clear wheaton! I think Cairns are the only dogs I know of that change colour.

I think they all look gorgeous.



Adorable. I'd take any one also.

Angus only had red hair in the beginning. As the hairs grew longer the black showed on the shaft of the hairs.So now he is a red brindle. Well he would be if I hadn't stripped him down to his all red undercoat.

Lots of surprises as their coats grow and change over the years.


Life is like a box of Cairns; you never know what you'll get. :)


my link This was Kelly I believe she was 5 1/2 weeks old in this video. She is the one with the wagging tail.

If you want to see what she looks like now I just posted before and after shots of her in Grooming titled I stripped Kelly. Her mother was wheaton and her father was black and silver brindle the catch to that is that her father was a registered wheaton he changed at about a year old. This can happen with Cairns. The breeder I got Kelly from wanted me to know that Kelly could turn black latter and didn't want me to take her if that was a problem. I have also read this in the books about Cairns. If you have a certain color you want there is no guarantee with a Cairn.

You can go to you tube and look me up as eltjcairn and you can see her as she grew and after I stripped her black puppy layer off. Her most recent photo is on this site in grooming. I hope this helps.


I ment to say they all look wheaton to me! Brindled are normally a lot darker in that layer that is under the black puppy layer.



Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



i have the impression that all the cairn puppies i've ever seen have been brindle. adult cairns may lose their brindle appearance, but genetically i would bet all cairns are brindled.


Oh. my. puppy. cuteness. You couldn't go wrong with any of them! I can't tell by puppy coat, either. Divot was dark as a pup, what really light for a bit, and how he looks light and reddish. His delightful personality has remained the same!


Pups colors change sooo much! I figured I would give my litter as an example. In the first picture, only the 3rd, and 7th pup in the back are brindle today at almost a year and half. All the rest are either wheaton, or red wheaton! In the second picture, the two darker pups are brindle, the others are not. The third, only the pup on the left with a green collar is brindle. And the last picture, only very top puppy is a brindle today! I hope that helps!






Stoppppp! I can't take it anymore! Going into puppy cuteness overload... aieeeeeee! *thud*


very cute but i don't think they're 100% brindle

my dog fonzy looks a little bit more brindle/brown not that it matters but i guess it's a light brindle? my fonzy is just maybe a dark brindle color

atleast to me

those dogs are amazingly cute though... awesome pics

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