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Scooting Zoomie


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This is not Sassy's finest scooting zoomie, but it was one I was able to capture video of. I set the camera on the edge of the coffee table and picked her up, which she doesn't like me to do during the daytime (weird, but true). When I put her back down she will usually go into the zoomies. The area is a little confined so she didn't get up to full speed here. Had she used the hallway (screen right) she would have picked up more speed. As it is she is just running circles around the coffee table. I may have to try it again later and angle the camera down some to get a better view. Hope you enjoy.

Sassy Jan 22, 2005



Idaho Cairns

Complete with the obligatory sneeze at the end! Love it but still don't understand the sneezing. Mine do it.


Thanks for the video. I'm not sure I understand either except that our

Cairn children seem to have an unmatched joie de vivre!

Max and Nelly


Sassy has great zoomies. I never get tired of watching zoomies! Very fun - thanks.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Have to love their zoomies --- Bless you Sassy! Great video...

Mine have to do the sneeze too. Also noticed if I cradle them in my arms (on their backs) they sneeze too. Maybe it's their way of getting down.


Love..love..love the zoomies. Layla is the first dog that I've ever had that does this and we encourage her whilst she is doing this. Somewhere on Youtube, we have a video of Layla doing "couch zoomies" and whenever I want a giggle, I go there. Thanks for sharing this wonderful video.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Zoomies are the BEST!


Wonderful video of Sassy! I love the zoomies, but Murphy sometimes gets them at odd times. Last Wednesday night, he got them at 11:00 PM after my husband had fallen asleep (he has to get up at 4:30AM to beat the traffic on his commute to work). Well, this time the little jokester had a squeak toy in his mouth and squeaked loudly as he zoomed through the house, over and over again. My DH is so crazy about Murphy that he didn't even get upset. :wub:


There's nothing like an exhibition of Cairn zoomies to bring a smile to my face. Thanks, Sassy!


Enjoy those zoomies. Jock has outgrown them :shy: at least for most of the time.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



Watching Ivy doing zoomies warms my heart and cracks me up at the same time.... :party:


Complete with the obligatory sneeze at the end! Love it but still don't understand the sneezing. Mine do it.

LOL Same for us! Fonzy sneezes all the time when he wants something, or if he's mad, lol or happy?

So weird

Click to show the full size image!


Zoomie, aka frap = frenetic random activity period!

Sneezes are a calming signal, a dog trying to show another dog it's no threat/to defuse a situation, or maybe even to calm itself down.


If zoomies make us all feel so happy and warm just watching them, imagine how good they must feel to our little dogs!

Oh, and Divot does the sneeze thing, too! How cool to learn it's a Cairn thing!


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