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Dempsy's First Balloon

Dempsy's Mom

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I was wrapping a birthday present the other day and I was in the closet rummaging around - found a balloon. Dempsy really had a good time with it - caught some on tape. If they pop it make sure you pick up all the balloon if you ever let them play with one. It would not be good to have rubber in their tummy.


Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



He is so adorable :wub: I was waiting for the big "pop"!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



Kelly and I really enjoyed watching Dempsy play with the balloon! Dempsy you are such a cutie!


He really enjoyed playing with that balloon! Lovely to watch him



Very fun video! One day, my DH sent me flowers with a helium balloon attached, Kirby went crazy! He snarled and barked at that thing for days. It had his way with it when it came down from the ceiling! Very entertaining!


That was so neat! Demps has the cutest bark!I think I might try a balloon with Ruffy.



Dempsy is just too cute!!! Love it!

Murphy enjoyed watching too!!!


Sooooo cute. He looked so surprised, but not at all scared, when it popped. He does has such a playful character - love ya, Demps!


That is adorable! Demps is so brave! It looked like he was well aware it might pop at any moment!

Hub had one pop in his eye and scratch him so now we're living in a permanently balloon free environment :)


Oh how cute is that....You sure make life a lot more exciting for little Demps! Layla has a ball about the same size and color that is permanently on the screened in porch that she loves to chase around.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Demps has the greatest adventures! I think he would like another balloon mom....


I really enjoyed watching Demps in true Cairn form!


Love the "I killed it now it's mine!" attitude.


Wonderful video! Demps was having a great time. Thanks for sharing Dempsy's adventures with us!


Demps is so cute and the total cairn package. Watching him have such honest, simple fun helps the stress of the day melt away! :D


I was wrapping a birthday present the other day and I was in the closet rummaging around - found a balloon. Dempsy really had a good time with it - caught some on tape. If they pop it make sure you pick up all the balloon if you ever let them play with one. It would not be good to have rubber in their tummy.

Cute! After multiple pops through the years my three are very wary of "Mr. Balloon". (Sooner or later every toy in the house is "Mr." Something. :)

Max and Nelly


I loved it when he was like "whered it go!?!?"

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