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Any of your Cairns do this?


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Lol our dog fonzy, whenever he eats he brings his toy and put's in in his dog Food so he can guard it and he looks away at everything between each bite of dog food incase anyone is trying to sneak up and grab his dog toy (bone) lol it's so cute, anyone else's cairn's do this?

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Very cute. I can just see him doing that.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Very funny. Can say that mine do that they drop everything when it comes to food.


Kelly only does that with her red tennis ball, but not because she doesn't want anyone to have it. She loves for us to throw it and she will sometimes take a break and eat and drink a little, as soon as break is over she brings it directly to us to throw again and again, again, and again. Cairns are the cutest. I love to hear about Fonzy. I'll bet he keeps you as busy as Kelly does us.


How cute!

Murphy's only weird eating quirk is that he gives the water dish the stink eye because he's sure it's gonna jump up and attack him.


How cute!

Murphy's only weird eating quirk is that he gives the water dish the stink eye because he's sure it's gonna jump up and attack him.

LOL Rudy does the same thing


Kelly only does that with her red tennis ball, but not because she doesn't want anyone to have it. She loves for us to throw it and she will sometimes take a break and eat and drink a little, as soon as break is over she brings it directly to us to throw again and again, again, and again. Cairns are the cutest. I love to hear about Fonzy. I'll bet he keeps you as busy as Kelly does us.

Haha, Yeah!!!

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