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The wife and I will be gone for the weekend, so this morning I took Jack to the kennel at the vet's office to be boarded til Monday. I thought that I would share a technique that we use for these occasions. My wife makes a story brochure with pictures and words to update Jack's life and adventures since his last boarding. A sort of short story 10 or 12 pages in length. I take two or three copies with him when I check him in. The receptionists crowd around and read their copy. The girls from the kennel ask for the new book before they even put a leash on Jack. The extra copy gets put on his kennel so that passerbys can look. The object is it gets him more attention, an extra treat, maybe an extra walk, in short more interaction than normal. Jack is well socialized and loves to play with everyone. If the booklet helps just a little it is well worth it.


I like. Clever like a Cairn. ;) Thanks for sharing.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



What an interesting approach! I'm going to keep that in mind the next time Buffy and Ziggy have to be boarded.


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