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Well we did it


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Well....this is our rescue...Sullie!! She is a 6 year old...dark brindle. She has some Cairn in her...we think there could be some Westie also. She has a longer body that a Cairn. She came from a puppy mill in AR. We are so happy with her.

Ashes our 15 year old boy is happy he has someone to go on walks with, eat with and romp a little with.

May you ALL be having a GREAT day, week and year to come. :D

The first 2 pics are before bath...the last 2 after bath. Baths are GOOD....she is a lot happier to get dirt off skin!! :thumbsup:






Congratulations! She's a cutie...I love her colours. Is she adapting well?

Jo, Jagger & Eddie



Looks all Cairn to me! Beautiful dog, love the mottled colors. I'll bet your older dog really enjoys the company--Cairns are so social it is good when they have a dog companion.


Congratulations on your new arrival. May you and Sullie and Ashes have many wonderful years together!


Well, look at her sleeping away on that chair. Looks like she has decided to settle right in! Congratulations - two are much more fund than one.


Is there a chance you can enlarge your print? I cant make it out... perhaps it my eye sight :lol:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



Congrats and Sullie is certainly very, very cute!

Very happy for you!


Congratulations! Sullie is beautiful.


That's great!! Congratulation on the new addition and giving Sullie a good life.

I became a dog person AFTER I got my dog.



She is beautiful! I love her colors. Of course I love all Cairns colors! She looks all Cairn to me also.


oh my goodness what a pretty young woman. she could pass as a cairn anywhere. you and she are lucky people!


What a beauty! Congratulations to you and to Sullie!


Congratulations and thank you for rescuing her!! She's lovely!


She does look all cairn from my computer. And she looks happy!


Yeah for rescue dogs! It looks like she's settling in well. I hope she has a swift and easy transition from her horrible previous life to one full of love.

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley


Sullie has a lovely colouring.

Hope that she continues to settle well with you and Ashes!



Congratulations on your new addition. She is absolutely lovely and certainly looks all Cairn to me too. Thank you for rescuing her and hope you have a long and happy life together.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Ya know I love puppy news ...but what really warms my heart is rescues. Sullie is a beautiful girl - so happy for you both. Love the pics. Keep us posted, but it looks like she's home. :wub:

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



What a cutie.... rescues are the best!! hope Napoleon is not listening!!!


Thank you ALL for words of encouragement and love!! And yes, she is settling in quite well!! Cat finally came out from hiding...got thirsty.. ;-) And they are becoming good friends. I have a photo of them watching out the screen door...will try and upload later.

Ashes tried to play first day..and she really did not understand what he wanted. But walks are good...they look for each other. After the bath...she smells more like us and he is quite happy with that. She wiggles a lot!!! Whole body wiggles.

To have a fetching Cairn....WE ARE IN SHOCK!!!!! So the attitude adjustment has to come from US...not her!!! Very willing to please...YES I SAID THAT!! She is VERY willing to please....WE keep falling on the floor in shock....pick ourselves up and she is still there waiting to PLEASE!!!

After bath...hair is looking more like a Cairn..I say that because I was a bit concerned HOW to groom a rolling coat that was so tight I could not run fingers through.

An YES I LOVE HER COLOR!! So pretty, can't imagine what the change will look like this summer!! :-)

Veggies are not interesting.....YET...so Ashes is in CONTROL of THAT...and VERY happy!! She and he can take treats and eat in close proximity of each other...a REALLY good thing!!

Give (((HUGS))) to yours from ours!! :-D


Oh Sullie looks a lot like our 2yr old Heidi. Sullie is just a smig darker..... beautiful mix of colors... gorgeous!


Congratulations and bless you for selecting a rescue. Maybe her "pleasing" you is her way of saying thank you -- for bringing her into your home. She's so adorable and sweet looking.



Becky & Tanner


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