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Ripley's been naughty and a little more uncooperative than usual lately. Testing the boundaries, a little more aggression towards other dogs., etc. I may be jumping the gun here ( it's been about three days), but are we entering an adolescent stage?

For example, she is normally really excited to see my mom's 13 year old dachshund- male, and yesterday was no exception, but she put her front legs on his back and when he objected (he's a grumpy old thing) she started growling back at him. That is new for her! She will normally roll over and surrender. The main thing is she hasn't been listening to me and just doing what she wants. Anyone else go through this?


oh my goodness - where does one start. Layla is now just over 16 months and certainly has her opinion on just about everything. She can be quite single-minded on what she wants to do. Fortunately I too am single-minded and am constantly showing her who the "boss" really is. Hopefully this is a stage they go through and I consider it a learning curve for the years to come.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


So glad to know I'm not alone this morning, Pindrop. I forgot the main thing! The barking!! Just now it was a squirrel in the tree. She's so determined to bark him to death that she completely ignores me. The ignoring has always been a problem in the backyard, but I always had some go to tricks to get her back in the house. She knows them all and they are not working! If I go to grab her she runs. So defiant! Just hard to deal with sometimes.


Oh yes you are not alone! Sounds like Ripley's prey drive is also kicking in. Things can be so quiet one minute and then the next it sounds like a bomb hit. We had seven deer stroll through this a.m. You should have heard these guys and the worst part...the deer just stand there and watch them in the slider doors. They are so tame here.


It is funny how they all differ, Mischa will bark at most anything that moves. Rudy is now 5 months old and I think I have only heard him bark 2 times since we got him. He does talk once in a while or if he is not getting his way lets out this WHAAAAAAAAAA howl and once you climb down from the ceiling he goes back to not making a sound.


Ivy will sit and watch the birds at the bird feeder and she is very quiet. The minute a squirrel comes nearby, she practically rocks the house with her barking and insane jumping to be let outside. Ivy is 15 months old, has had three training sessions that have not really helped at all. She loves to bark and if she doesn't want to come in, she doesn't. It becomes a game to her and she loves when I get frustrated. Lately, I just leave her until she decides to come in. I do call her in-if she comes, she gets a reward but if she meanders too long and ignores my "command", no treat for her. Honestly, I don't think she cares if she gets a treat or not-she loves thinking she is in control. This is why we love our little terrors--I mean terriers.


Ivy will sit and watch the birds at the bird feeder and she is very quiet. The minute a squirrel comes nearby, she practically rocks the house with her barking and insane jumping to be let outside. Ivy is 15 months old, has had three training sessions that have not really helped at all. She loves to bark and if she doesn't want to come in, she doesn't. It becomes a game to her and she loves when I get frustrated. Lately, I just leave her until she decides to come in. I do call her in-if she comes, she gets a reward but if she meanders too long and ignores my "command", no treat for her. Honestly, I don't think she cares if she gets a treat or not-she loves thinking she is in control. This is why we love our little terrors--I mean terriers.

This is a good description of my day-to-day life!


Pegi also does the crazy barking - this includes squirrels, trash/recycling/oil/FedEx/mailman.......she did go thru what I called the "teenage" stage at about 18 months when she was defiant, headstrong and kind of acted liked my human teenagers....but now she's much calmer at 2 1/2....

Linda & Pegi


Another one here going through the selective listening stage! Luckily, Divot comes in when called because he worries Bacchus (our lab who always comes when called) is going to get a treat and he isn't. But the barking at squirrels is relentless! He also climbs into the "Y" of a tree in the backyard and stretches up as far as possible while barking. He hears nothing, no one once he's there. And I just don't get why he snarls and barks at other dogs when we see them. As soon as he gets to approach them (not until he sits quietly and looks at me does he get to approach) he is all friendly, but his behavior always makes others leery of him at first.

Anyway, just wanted to say you're not alone!


Sounds like tipical cairn behavior! nope your not alone...for sure!

Off subject but your screen name tomtosandwich makes me smile. My dh favorite dinner when


whoops finger hit wrong key! meant to say when in season.


It must be something in the air!! Kelly has been rotten. I haven't had much time to post because of it. Hehe! She is barking at everything including nothing. She has slipped out twice so chasing her around has been so much fun. All of the sudden she no longer wants visitors. She doesn't like anything that involves food prep. On the happy side of things she has been so lovable to us. She likes to sit on our laps, lay beside of us and wants us to pet her. She became so lovable that for a couple of days I thought something was wrong with her. LOL


Another one here going through the selective listening stage! Luckily, Divot comes in when called because he worries Bacchus (our lab who always comes when called) is going to get a treat and he isn't. But the barking at squirrels is relentless! He also climbs into the "Y" of a tree in the backyard and stretches up as far as possible while barking. He hears nothing, no one once he's there. And I just don't get why he snarls and barks at other dogs when we see them. As soon as he gets to approach them (not until he sits quietly and looks at me does he get to approach) he is all friendly, but his behavior always makes others leery of him at first.

Anyway, just wanted to say you're not alone!

Thank you! Especially since I'm pretty sure Divot and Ripley are about the same age- if I remember correctly! Ripley is the same with other dogs. It's embarrasing at the park. I'm always telling people "She's really very sweet :confused: ". I think we need to work on socialization. Lol


It must be something in the air!! Kelly has been rotten. I haven't had much time to post because of it. Hehe! She is barking at everything including nothing. She has slipped out twice so chasing her around has been so much fun. All of the sudden she no longer wants visitors. She doesn't like anything that involves food prep. On the happy side of things she has been so lovable to us. She likes to sit on our laps, lay beside of us and wants us to pet her. She became so lovable that for a couple of days I thought something was wrong with her. LOL

Oh gosh. Chasing a Cairn who's gotten out has driven me to tears. I'm must look like the biggest idiot running around after my dog while sobbing!


I must look like the biggest idiot chasing her laughing like a maniac cause when I am nervous or scarred I either laugh hysterically or cry hysterically. It seems that the 2 times she got out I couldn't help but laugh even though I was terrified cause she looked like she was having the best time, almost like she was laughing at me! haha


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