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Murphy Kills Blue, The Giant Elephant


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We play a game with Murphy, usually it's Kill the Rat. All of his stuffed animals are rats - yellow duck is a rat, the holiday reindeer is a rat, the squirrel is a rat. But, he has this giant blue elephant that he likes to kill. So, we are calling the elephant Blue. He really enjoys the game, and being an only Cairn, his behavior is encouraged.

Edited to attach video link properly...


Cool! I see that Murphy is the typical Cairn--he won't "kill" on command but the minute the human quits making the demand, he continues! Yes, Cairns make their own decisions!


Holly treats her toys especially her favourite the teddy in the same way! I have stitched up his head and neck several times! She loves to do this after her dinner in the evening especially.



Love Murphy. I was surprised not to see stuffing coming out. I like it when Murphy "sits pretty." Thanks for the video.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



I was surprised not to see stuffing coming out.

There's a little tear right around the jugular area.... :confused:


i love that video. Murphy is such a good boy!


Baylee's favorite game is "killing" a toy as well. Stuffing ends up A L L L L L over the house when she's done. Barnum hasn't joined in this fun, yet.

Good job Murphy!



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