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At the 6 Month Point with Titan

Luke Bizzy

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It's been a bit over 6 months since we adopted him at the age of 2.

Here's an update on life with Titan:

*Hasn't learned to come yet when called. This is a biggie and we need to REALLY work on that one.

*Very good with children and our grands.

*Doesn't seem to have bonded to us yet, insofar as he stays by himself during the day.

*Has stopped trying to mark everything in the house, finally...

*Eats veggies, loves carrots, sweet potatoes as snacks, actually haven't seen him turn his nose up at anything.

*Has gained 3 lbs. Weighed in at 18 lbs at the vets the other day! He's the King of the Mooch. We've declared our home a veggie-only snack zone.

*Excellent traveler, as have been all our previous Cairns. Travelling with him up to Connecticut next month.

*Barks up a storm when he sees and hears the geese/ducks flying overhead.

*Not extremely territorial at this point, for some reason.

These are just a few of the things we've seen with the little guy. No major problems have come up so far. We've learned that adopting an older furbaby can have some adjustment issues. But any shortcomings aside, we love him, hoping he'll learn to love us a little more as time goes on.


Titan is so cute. Like your update. Good luck on the coming when called. Demps is a little over 3 and he does come except when he is busy. God bless their little independent hearts. Glad to hear he likes road trips. Have fun!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Holly was 4.5 when I got her [had lived with breeder until then along with 10 others!] and it took her about 12 mths before she seemed to bond with me and 2 yrs before she became territorial! Now 3.5 yrs on she is very attached to me and is extemely territorial - will bark at anyone with or without dogs that goes past our house, chases the neighbourhood cat out of the garden etc!



Thanks to both of you with your comments. They're like human kids I guess, you just keep loving them and somewhere along the way the "love light" turns on in their small hearts and minds.

One more little brag here: everywhere we go with him out in public he steals the show. They are such striking little characters. And this cobby little guy will definately strut for you. He's so funny...


I had to laugh about Luke BIzzy's comment that out in public they steal the show! My DH was taking Jock for a walk yesterday when a young attractive lady with a new baby passed by them. The lady commented "that is the cutest thing I have seen in a while" . My DH replied why thank you... or did you make that comment about my dog. Both of them had a really good chuckle about that one. Jock of course only wanted to see the baby as he loves small uprights.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



... somewhere along the way the "love light" turns on in their small hearts and minds.

This is exactly what happened with both my adopted cairns. They took their time before demonstrating any attachment to me, finally going from "fiercely independent" to "velcro" dogs.

I'm proud to have been accepted by my cairns! :wub:



I think adopted dogs take a little longer to bond, possibly because they're older or because of their experiences prior to adoption. Once they accept you, though, they're the most loyal friends you'll ever have. :hug:


Thanks to all you Cairn friends and I take each as an encouragement.


Agree with Helene about the prior experiences. I have rescued two female Cairns and in both cases the first few weeks and months were marked with estrangement, two attempts to just take off (I presume to find prior homes), and pretty assertive attempts to maintain their privacy. All of that went away within the first year.

We know that Cairns have a strong bond of loyalty to us if raised as a puppy in the home and certainly rescues have bonded to prior homes as strongly so when that is disrupted you can expect some standoffishness from the dogs. Seems like Cairns can be a bit conditional with new humans and it takes time to win them over, make them feel comfortable in their new environment but once that is accomplished, in my experience, you will get that strong bond out of your little friend. Cairns are really adaptable if you give them time and patience.

We really don't ever know what our rescues went thru during those critical first experiences in another family so try not to be discouraged with first impressions. I would almost bet the farm that you little guy is just sitting back and watching and feeling you out, not yet totally committed to you and your family but that he will be all you want and more in just a few months. Enjoy.


My sister adopted a dog that was 5 years old. He had bounced around several homes before my sister. He is now 7 yrs old. It was only a few months ago where he really began to bond. She recently stopped kenneling him at night-she had done it because he would go around and pee/mark his territory. He is really a sweet dog. I think he was almost afraid to bond because he didn't know if he was going to stay forever. He finally gets it and has really bonded with the entire family..Good luck and I hope this helps...


I rescued a 5 year old Cairn from the Shelter in October, her senior owner had passed away and her adult children didn't want Bebe because she was too high maintenance they said. This poor dog went from being spoiled with crocheted outfits and custom meals to a dark, dingy animal shelter where she was slowly breaking down and going insane, she was there 6 weeks when I found her and rescued her, I needed another dog like I needed a hole in my head but I was heartbroken for her, having just lost my own dear Mother weeks before. I have 2 German Shepherds, a JRT , a Cairn and a Chihuahua, so Bebe was overwhelmed and promptly ran away the 3rd day, I got her back and we have been working on our new relationship, just in the last month she has started to actually follow me around the barn, I have horses too, she absolutely loves mouse hunting with the other terriers, but now she actually jumps up into the horse feeders so she's eye level with me as I'm cleaning stalls, she wags her tail and barks at me to pet her and hug her while she licks my face, it's taken 3 months but I almost cried the first time she actually wanted to love on and be WITH me, it'll happen for you, just give him his space and be patient!


What a great name!! Titan...perfect!

Hub loves his veggies too! :) We use vegetables or apples, nectarines for most training!

We also had an aloof dog. Hubble's first 6 months he had no significant human contact and although he would flip out if we left, he paid us little mind when we were around. It took a few good months before he even made eye contact with us...now he's the mushiest, sap of a dog.

I guess you have to see what he responds to. If he needs space, give him some like Larhage suggested. I, on the other hand, sought out Hub and made it my mission to "break him down" with affection. My attitude with him and our feral rescue cats is: I don't care if you don't love me, I'm going to love on you until you do :)

What a great name!! Titan...perfect!

Hub loves his veggies too! :) We use vegetables or apples, nectarines for most training!

We also had an aloof dog. Hubble's first 6 months he had no significant human contact and although he would flip out if we left, he paid us little mind when we were around. It took a few good months before he even made eye contact with us...now he's the mushiest, sap of a dog.

I guess you have to see what he responds to. If he needs space, give him some like Larhage suggested. I, on the other hand, sought out Hub and made it my mission to "break him down" with affection. My attitude with him and our feral rescue cats is: I don't care if you don't love me, I'm going to love on you until you do :)

Thanks Meggie. Love and attention is what he's getting, whether he thinks he needs it or not. Hub sounds just like T-man. Well just keep pouring it on....

Thanks to all for your wisdom.


Awww. Thanks for adopting Bebe.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



My boy Zeus was a little over two when we adopted him from a local shelter. He settled into life with us, playing with our other Cairn, daily walks and meals, but then he would disappear and go sleep under the bed. When I noticed him missing I went in and gave him a quick scratch and told him he was loved. Two years later he still is still independent and spends part of everyday on his own, but has added under my chair in the AM and beside me on the couch in the PM to his napping spots. He's even napped on my lap on the rare occasions when Loki is not already there. Keep letting Titan know that he is loved and that it is fun to be near you.

Who rescued whom?


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