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01-15-2012 Tampa Bay Kennel Club Show


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We went to the Tampa Bay Kennel Club show at the Florida Classic Dog Park today. We saw the Cairn Terrier Specialty, sponsored by the Central Florida Cairn Terrier Club. What a great looking group of dogs and what an impressive facility! Enjoy the video...


Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

This is the first time I've really seen pro dog handlers and dogs live, wow! And the grooming was amazing; we were feeling kind of frumpy since Packy & Kirby are in their full-coated winter splendor yet. But I was told that they really didn't look too bad at all by a woman who used to show, so I felt better after that.

Yes, Bat was right in front of us and posed nicely. Kirby was watching very intently but Packy was too interested in getting petted by people sitting near us and walking by. I took Kirb for a quick walk back and forth to stretch his legs and it was so funny - he pranced and walked just like those show dogs!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

Here are two more short clips from the show. In the first one, I think there was a dog that was carrying a squeaky toy around the ring with him. :) I think the second one is the Sweeps that they had right before the Specialty. :qualify:



Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

Great videos. I would love to see that many Cairns together at one time. Thanks for sharing. I loved the one carrying the toy, how sweet.


Oh man - we totally forgot about this!!! :crybaby:

It's so close to us also. We went a few years ago, when we first moved here. Saw "dog show" advertised in the local fish wrap, and thought we'd check it out. Didn't realize we were going to such a huge AKC event. We were lucky that day, because we got to see a lot of Cairns. Very impressive place!



If anyone gets a chance to attend any regional club's specialty show - or the national club's annual or roving specialty - you should go!

There are pins on the member map representing most of the regional and national specialties. It is enjoyable to see a large number of representative Cairns in one place, and it's possible to learn quite a lot, too - particularly around things like grooming and what makes a Cairn a Cairn.

Meanwhile, here in Portland we are heading into the Rose City Classic one of the larger shows of the year - starting with Terrier Association of Oregon on Wednesday. Even though there is no Cairn specialty there will be 30+ Cairns showing (not counting agility, obedience, and rally Cairns).

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