Sam I Am Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 I took Jock on my usual walk this morning and found out that the rain that fell had turned to sheer sheets of ice! I did a real good back flip, whacking the back of my head on the icy sidewalk. When I hit the ground I had let go of the lead, lost my hat, and yes you do actually see stars. I called out to him as I was lying half on the road/sidewalk because I was terrified that he would take off and I felt I might pass out. Surprise surprise, he immediately ran back to me and actually seemed very concerned. I wonder if he knew I was in distress? He was very attentive when I stood up... they are such intuitive little dogs. Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. - Anatole France Adventures with Sam &Rosie
FL Frey Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Im so sorry to hear of your fall, hope your doing ok now. Yes, im sure they can sense when we are in distress. Back before we got Barnum, i got a flu bug. Baylee never left my side all day. She was such a great little girl all day, even while i was sleeping. Maybe next time you take Jock for a walk, you should take some ice melt in your pocket. Kim
Ivy & Lucy's Mom Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 With my last cairn, Jack, I was sick in bed for a good 4 months. That dog never left my side. The kids had to come and get him periodically to feed him and let him out. As soon as he was finished, he ran back and slept at my side. He was my constant companion during a rough time. When he became sick and passed, I think I had an extra hard time because he was by my side for so long. These dogs are extremely intuitive. They will protect you with everything they have...
Tuesday Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Oh you poor thing! Thank goodness you only had a bump on the head. Dogs are very attentive to us when we have an illness or injury. Murphy stayed pretty close to me after my ankle surgery last Spring, and when I was learning to walk again and took him out for short walks he didn't act like a fool. Once I got back to something resembling normal, he went right back to fool, so they know!
hheldorfer Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Ouch! I've done the same thing and I know it really knocks the wind out of you. Thank heavens you're OK. As for Jock . . . well, God bless the little darling! What a good boy for checking on you!
bradl Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 So sorry about the slip! Yowza that can be serious! Good for Jock, though. I've actually used that response deliberately to get back an escaping puppy. I threw myself down on the ground as if I'd fallen, grabbed my knee and started yelping "OW! OW! OW!" like the big baby that I am and darned if the pup didn't turn right around and come give me kisses! CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar
Meggie Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Wow hope you're ok!! Glad pup me back to you...must've been scary
Malcolm's Dad Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Yikes! That was a bad fall. I'm so glad you are ok. Jock is such a good boy. He was worried about you. He sure deserves a special treat.
josie&holly Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 That was good of Jock! Hope you have not suffered any after affects of fall!
janis Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Sorry about your fall! I fell while hiking with Kirby in the woods. He actually stayed where he was and didn't make a break for it! I was amazed
kjwarnold Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Yikes, those falls can really hurt! Glad to hear Jock was such a good boy and came back to take care of you. Ours have done the same thing! Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney
pindrop Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Goodness - that was a bad fall. Hope you are OK and fully recovered with no after-effects. Good little come running and make sure he stuck by your side. I worry about the same thing with Layla as every day we take a walk in the forest (on marked trails) and have also worried that if I were to fall what Layla's reaction would be. I would hope she would be more concerned than taking off for parts unknown. Hope I never have the chance to find out too. Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog
Kathryn Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Wow - I do hope you were checked out after that fall. I had the same thing happen a few years ago, and it was a concussion. If you saw "stars," maybe you should have yourself looked at. Good for Jock, though. Nice to know your pup worries about you, isn't it?
Hawkeye Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Oh my goodness, hope you are alright! That was a terrible fall. So glad Jock came back to attend to you -- they really can sense when something is wrong.
Lynn in TN Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 I hope you are all right. If you have headaches or anything get yourself to the doctor. So glad Jock was watching over you. Kelly stayed by my side a lot when I was sick. My allergies have been bothering me and I have been sneezing, it doesn't matter where she is at when one of us sneezes she comes running to check on us. She is so cute. It is funny that these little dogs that are known to run off will be loyal and stay by your side when you need.
TazTalk Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Ouch! That does not sound pleasant. Glad to hear that Jock went into Rin Tin Tin mode! What a good boy. All you would have needed at that time is him running fast down the street and dealing with catching him. Dogs are very aware of what is happening to their uprights. I recently read that some dogs can actually detect cancer in a person (not sure how - but pretty amazing). Your description said you hit the back of your head. A little fall story of mine to share ... 2 years ago I fell/blacked out and landed with the side of my head hitting the floor hard. I had bruising on my face and some soreness but seemed fine. A month later I abruptly started seeing floaters/spots in my eye and rushed to the eye doctor. My retina had torn as a result of the fall and I had laser surgery to repair the tear. The eye doc said a fall or bad blow to the head can cause this. Just be aware of this should you have any changes in your vision - and it's important to see a doc right away.
Sam I Am Posted January 5, 2012 Author Posted January 5, 2012 Yup hitting the old noggin isnt a good idea. No headache or blurry vision... but I must admit I was scared but way more scared that Jock would run away down the road. I thought all I needed to do when he ran back to me was to wrap the lead around my arm so that if I did pass out he would be attached to me. Thanks for all the concerns... but you are all right these little guys know when something is not right! Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. - Anatole France Adventures with Sam &Rosie
Dempsy's Mom Posted January 7, 2012 Posted January 7, 2012 Hope you are ok and feeling good. I have had a couple of those miserable falls. A couple years back I fell backwards on ice and broke my hand ... pins needed. Jock was very good to you - I hope he got a little extra attention too - I am sure he did. Good boy Jock! Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori
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