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Cairns and Kids (Well, Grandkids anyway!)

Idaho Cairns

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Idaho Cairns

As promised earlier today, I want to post up our New Year's weekend with some of our grandkids. My hope is that some prospective Cairn owners will peruse this file and see how wonderful these little dogs are with kids--they are such fun whether it is rough and tumble play with children or, as in this case, sharing in "girly" pastimes. I think Cairns are often overlooked as "good with children" by folks, probably because "terriers" aren't necessarily known for being kid oriented and I like to show my girls with kids when I have a chance--all part of that "they are the perfect dog" opinion I hold about these great little dogs.

In any case, please enjoy our holiday with us!



Too funny! I think I'm going to have to hire a few neighborhood kids to come and brush Gavin. Really neat that they submit to such silliness from the girls. Thanks for sharing.


Chuck, I can't believe how good Bonnie and Sammi are with those girls - not that Cairns aren't kid-friendly, but playing dress-up? Buffy would run like the devil if I tried to put sunglasses on her. Great pictures of a wonderful New Year's weekend. Thanks!


As promised earlier today, I want to post up our New Year's weekend with some of our grandkids. My hope is that some prospective Cairn owners will peruse this file and see how wonderful these little dogs are with kids--they are such fun whether it is rough and tumble play with children or, as in this case, sharing in "girly" pastimes. I think Cairns are often overlooked as "good with children" by folks, probably because "terriers" aren't necessarily known for being kid oriented and I like to show my girls with kids when I have a chance--all part of that "they are the perfect dog" opinion I hold about these great little dogs.

In any case, please enjoy our holiday with us!


how sweet! :wub:


Love it! Thank you for sharing! Happy New Year!


Wonderful pics... thanks for posting! We dont have any children but Jock still goes silly when he spots a small upright :magic:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



hilarious. that bonnie is a saint


They are just soaking all the attention up. I bet they do hate to see them leave - very sweet. Looks like a great way to spend New Years Eve. Thanks for sharing.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



I do find it interesting that these dogs will put up with behavior from little ones that they would not tolerate from us. Combing hair, decorating them with bows and scarves...they seem to take it all. T Bone, who is tough with everyone, licks little two-year-old Iona's fingers whenever she visits. I still watch him with an eagle eye and control T, but he really is different with her. I am glad, but I am not sure why...

So cute to see your dogs and girls all in pink. The organization I work for does an annual event for kids every Christmas season -- over 1,200 kids picking out presents for their family -- and I was really touched by how many of the little girls were in pink this year. Coats, boots, scarves, mittens -- all these cute pink clothes. Likewise your little ones (dogs and kids both) are adorable in all their "decorations." It looks like you had a fabulous time, and exactly the kind of new year we would all love to have!


Idaho, that was hilarious. If I could get Sassy to sit still for 1 sec while trying to run a pin brush through her hair, I would be in heaven. Are the grandkids available for grooming chores?

Sassy Jan 22, 2005



Idaho Cairns

All but one of the Cairns we have had have been very patient with children and I just feel that Cairns relate differently to children than to adult humans. Our girls just go into another mode when kids are around--they aren't as reclusive, tend to stay right in the mix of the play, seek affection from the little ones more than we get from them. We used to watch them carefully for any reaction to the occasional trip and fall, stumble, or rowdiness and the dogs have learned to dodge and weave out of harm's way and just enjoy. Not an hour before the girls decided to comb out Bonnie I had worked Sammi over and Bon hid, as she always does, only to emerge later and subject herself to the combing pictured.

Sammi has always been mellow but Bonnie can be a real chameleon, peppery and short with us, standoffish when it comes to affection (although that is changing as she ages), but when little ones are around she is another dog entirely--pliable, involved, affectionate. As I said, I think this quality is often overlooked when people think about Cairns--even with the excellent example that Dorothy and Toto gave us all.

Yes, Remitr, I think those girls would love to help you out--course they come with funny pink hats, pink boas, and scads of other Dollar Store regalia--they look like a parade whenever and wherever they go!


That was wonderful to watch as both your girls allow themselves to be prissied up by the grandkids (all very pretty girls.) Seems pink is the in thing with girls and female pups as my avatar shows Layla in her new coat. Although we don't have visiting children and living in the back of beyond our visitors are few and far between, Layla is always excited to see new faces (even the mail lady who on occasion will deliver packages to the house) will be greeted with a wagging tail and licks.

Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful New Year's spotlight.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Great slide show that shows how well Cairns and kids get along. Our two rough house boys also submit to anything the kids want to do, including dressing up in baby clothes, hide and seek, barrettes in their hair, etc. They can wrestle with the boys and be sweet and loving with the little girls. They really do seem to know and act different to kids.

I've found the same thing applies to elderly people, too. We visit nursing homes and they seem to become different dogs around the residents. If it's a man who can get around a little easier and tries to play with them, they stick their butts up in the air, front legs down and play growl. If it's an elderly woman in a wheel chair, they gently put their feet up on the legs and kiss hands, or sit for someone who can reach them.

Yep, they're great dogs!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

I always love the pictures and video of Sammi and Bonnie with the grandchildren. Such sweetness about them all. It is a blessing to see them. Thank you so much for sharing them.

Kelly has always played well with my 2 boys. She will let them do just about anything including pull her tail. She is a vey loving little dog and likes to sit on our laps and be petted. I believe that is because she is so use to my boys giving her so much attention that she is lost when no one is showing her any.

She follows me constantly and sits on my lap a lot when they aren't home. She gets so excited when they get home. I can't imagine any dog being better with children than she is. She is different with children than she is with adults but as she is getting closer to the one year mark she is getting better with adults too.


I have an uncle with special needs- dogs know. They are become so gentle.


My MIL has early onset Alzheimer's. She trained dogs at one point in her life, and while our method is much different from hers, Murphy plays along with her commands and follows them. He's also very gentle around her and my FIL.


Idaho, thanks for sharing the pictures! Your granddaughters are gorgeous and Sammi and Bonni are truely great with the kids. I have had cairns while my kids were growing up and I have to agree...cairns and kids get along fabulous. This year my grandson (age 3) is afraid of Radar. Probably due to the high energy - need I mention my grandson energy level is just as high. So when the kids came over I let Radar hang out with us on a leash for the first 30 mins and then let him loose. Well our grandson, Parker, never had a problem. They both were running around the house like a couple of maniacs and the fear I think is gone.


I love how good Cairn's are with kids. Ours is such a lover and this last summer loved playing in the pool with kiddos!


I too loved the photos, I think my favourite was the New Year's Eve cuddle in bed shot.

I also remember seeing some video of Sammi's and Bonnie's more rambunctious side with some little boys.

These little dogs are really ready for anything!

Thanks for sharing.


Fantastic pics!! Thanks for posting!

Becky & Tanner

I loved the photos...wonderful site kids interacting with their pets. My mom being a pet lover raised us in a household of pets..dogs/cats.

Never refused us when we wanted to bring one home...thanks mom and dad! Only when you get older have your own kids you realize what a wonderful thing that is. Learning to love and care for their animals leads to a life of being a caring individual. Our two cairns Henry & Heidi always become extra playful around kids and they have a smile that is priceless.


Olie, Ted and Sweet Pea don't see as many kids as they would wish, but when they do

they go gaga over the little ones. Your photos show just how loving these little guys are.


Max and Nelly


Oh my! How wonderful! Your grandchildren are beautiful! You can see the love they share with Bonni and Sammi! Thank you for sharing!


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