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Dempsy's visit with T-Bone and Allie

Dempsy's Mom

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Thank you Lori for sharing your visit. It so nice to see Demps, T-Bone and Allie all meeting and getting to know each other.


We love the photos, Lori! Steve commented later how much Demps, when asleep, looked like a little cat with his head down over the cushion...such a cute photo.

Allie chewed a hole in the soft toy you gave them on Christmas morning, but the pull toy is still somewhat intact -- and often in use. She prefers to reach up and grab the end we are hanging onto though. When we give it up, the game changes to keep-away. Smart dog!

We've been telling the story of your visit to all who have been visiting over the holiday. My cousin, who came yesterday with her clan and owns three horses, three dogs (none a cairn, unfortunately), and a few cats, understood completely how dog people can become fast friends so quickly.

Demps and your clan are welcome again any time. As are any of the other Cairn Talkers who make it into Minneapolis.


What a nice visit you must have had. Thanks so much for sharing the story and photos.


That was lovely - thank you to all who participated. Lori - wonderful song to accompany the story. It's great to see our members enjoying the company of others on here.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Lovely video - really good that you could visit!



Thanks for sharing the photos and the story of your visit!

I became a dog person AFTER I got my dog.



Neat. I think this is a great idea--the visit amongst forum members and their dogs--now when any of you get to Idaho,....!!!!!

Really enjoyed the video and seeing the cute dogs and cuter kids.


Great pictures! What a fun and exciting day! If anyone is going to be in upper east TN let me know. Everyone is welcome here!

Thank you so much for sharing it with us.


Same here. Just give me a heads up and we will definitely take some time off to visit with Cairn folks. Ya know, we do live right on the 212 Highway. So you are welcome to just pull on in for a visit into Dempsy's world. It's fun just to step out of your routine once in a while.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



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