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Howling wolf? No, howling Cairn

Malcolm's Dad

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Malcolm has started something new. Howling like a wolf. When my parrot hears someone at the door he starts hollering and squawking. Malcolm normally barks. This last week Malcolm has decided to howl like a wolf. I think he is competing with the parrot. You probably know a wolf howl, a throaty mid pitch ah-ooh. Malcolm has a softer higher pitch ah-ooh. Sometimes it's a long wooooo. It is so cute. I read that when wolves howl it can be like a group sing. One starts and the others join in. It isn't to warn of danger or call to a mate, it's just a wolf form of entertainment. So I think Malcolm wants to join in the song too. I know he is part dog, part mountain goat and part flying squirrel. Now he wants to be part parrot too.

My pc has been acting up lately so I haven't been able to post. As long as it is working right now I want to say welcome to the new members and puppies.

Lol what a dog, I just looked at Malcolm. He is sleeping upside down on the couch. Oh thought I might mention this. We have a home improvement store in Chicago called Menards. They have those stuffing-free critter toys with the squeakers for $2. They are the cheaper ones, the higher quality ones go for $10 at the pet stores. For something he will destroy in no time anyway this makes a nice Christmas gift for a reasonable price.


Packy used to howl when I left the house and just DH was home. He said it was really cool. I've never heard him do it. :( Kirby has howled just a couple of time but it's so funny!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

What a little character. Wonder what the parrot thinks of his new back up singers style? The parrot thinks, "Everybody got to try to be different these days! Malcolm just keep it to the barking! ... showoff"

Hmmm. I might be going to Menards today. I will check it out. Thanks.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



How funny. I suppose Malcolm just had to try something new to get everyone's attention and it looks like it worked. Can you imagine a pack of Cairns all howling at the moon together? :lol:

And thanks for the Menards tip!


Our first cairn, Annie, was the only cairn we have ever had that howled. DH and I would start to howl together, and she would lift her little cairn nose to the heavens and howl with us. "Group howls," we called them. Good for pack solidarity. Allie and T Bone do not howl, and I still miss our howling sessions.


I left one day to do some Christmas shopping and Eric said Kelly howled the most broken hearted howl he had ever heard. He said it wasn't a pretty singing type it was a sad howl. He felt so sorry for her. She was mad at both of us the rest of the day. She wouldn't have anything to do with me when I got home.


We are in coyote country so when we hear howling our two cairns get quiet and hide inside (I don't blame them). They are capable of howling but it is only a DEFCON 1 event, so I would be very alarmed if they did. My grandfather had a smooth coated fox terrier that howled at harmonicas, the pump organ and any emergency vehicle sirens.


I was first introduced to Cairn howling when Shadow was just a pup. I was playing the

game where I kneel down and cover all access to my face and then call,

"Where's Shadow? I can't find Shadow...where is he?"

At that point Shadow let out a long mournful howl.

I howled with him. Soon Holdsworth picked up on it. From that point forward

we could have a group howl any time at my instigation.

It was great fun for all three of us the entire time they were alive.

Olie knew Shadow when Shadow was old and Olie was just a pup.

He was never interested in howling, neither Teddy Bear nor Sweet Pea.

Any time I try it with them they just think it's weird and start barking at me.

Ah....the good ole days.

Max and Nelly


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