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Wrapping Presents


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This is what happens when we wrap presents at our house. Sorry it's sideways, I can't figure out how to get it turned!


After we got over the wrapping paper tubes, then we get Cairns walking on the gifts, snooping in the bags, and checking out what's under the tree. Every time I open the bedroom door where I've got the unwrapped gifts, Kirby zooms in and sticks his nose in the bags. I have to say though, they're very good about not messing up the presents under the tree. Well, except for a few that have chewed corners (as Packy slinks away...).

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

Very funny! Looks like something my hubby would do too. I also love when I'm wrapping the gifts (on the floor) they have to walk all over the paper. I bought some doggie gifts and put them in the closet, sure enough Radar was barking and whinning at the doors. How does he know? We had to find a better hiding spot.


Kelly has done well with not messing up the presents, except I always write their name on them until I can put gift tags and bows ( I do that later because they get torn off or flattened) well I guess Kelly thinks they are dirty because she keeps licking were ever their is a name. lol I have used different things to write on them with it doesn't matter what I use she tries to lick it off.


I decided to do my wrapping of parcels yesterday afternoon. Put everything on the floor. Ended up doing it on kitchen table as a Cairn decided to sit on the paper I was trying to wrap something in.......................and she tried to pinch the scarf I had bought a friend!



Too funny! In October as I wrapped my niece's birthday gifts, Hubble was none to please with the wrapping paper tubes. Grumbling at them until I started saying his name through one end...then suddenly they were fun.


Cairns are fun anytime of the year but especially at Christmas--my daughter sent a huge batch of apple treats which somehow managed to get opened during shipping so the smell is all over everything that was in the box--several forays have been made around the tree trying to figure out what "that smell" is. We have since moved the treats and other gifts to higher ground temporarily.


The Christmas tree is in a gated area of our house to keep a certain little lady out. But Addie has found she loves/hates wrapping time. HATES that I won't let her get into everything (she sass barks at me the whole time). But LOVES it when I give her the roll once all the paper is gone. Addie is obsessed with ripping cardboard into little pieces.

I have to wrap on higher ground so she can't grab the paper though. The first present I wrapped, Addie jumped as high as she could and ripped the paper right off the table once I'd rolled it out. And then ran through the house tearing it to shreds.

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley


Oh yeah. I blow in the tubes too for Demps then he likes to grab at them, we play tug of war for awhile, then I let him have the roll and he runs off with it hitting and clearing everything in it's path. He looses patience with it cuz' it's to long and looks at me like - "Mom tug o' war is best with these long tubes. Grab on!" Demps has shown more interest this year in ripping paper, so I am looking forward to him opening his gifts ... and probably will have a paw at opening every gift.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Oh yeah. I blow in the tubes too for Demps then he likes to grab at them, we play tug of war for awhile, then I let him have the roll and he runs off with it hitting and clearing everything in it's path. He looses patience with it cuz' it's to long and looks at me like - "Mom tug o' war is best with these long tubes. Grab on!" Demps has shown more interest this year in ripping paper, so I am looking forward to him opening his gifts ... and probably will have a paw at opening every gift.

Yep, looks like my DH has a lot in common with other folks with respect to getting the Cairn population riled. :)

But they seem to be having so much fun (all four of them including DH) that I just watch, laugh, and shake my head!

Max and Nelly


I have given up filling Jocks stocking by the fireplace.. that hairy four legged goat can scale anything to get at those treats :devil:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



This is the first year with dogs, so we decided to downsize our tree and lift it off the ground to lessen the temptation. :devil:



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