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Owwy - that hurt.

Dempsy's Mom

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Oh it was so cute. This morning little Demps went out, did his business, came in had his breakfast, then he ran out in the kitchen and looked at me, ears up, eyes bright "Mom, let's play!" Mom was at the kitchen table paying bills - I made a move like "I am coming" and my poor little boy did a butt roll and ran right into the wall with his little nose. Mom said, "oh Demps" and he came running over to me just like a child and wanted to be held and a kiss for his owwy. He is so sweet.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Aw . . . poor little guy! I'm sure his owy is all better now, after a few kisses and cuddles from mommy. :)


Poor thing! Hogan is really good at whacking his nose...which stes up an extended sneezing session. He comes over for conforting, too.


They are just the cutest little dogs. I can't help but laugh at how much like children these dogs are.


Awww, how sweet! They really are the sweetest little critters! I love those bright eyes in the morning.


Personalities are different--when Bonnie hurts herself, i.e. she tried to run thru a screen door and got bounced really hard, she seems to think humans are responsible and will run and sulk in her hidey hole behind the couch. There is no way she will take responsibility for her own injury. Sammi? Who knows, she is so mellow that I doubt she would react at all.


My two do the same thing, they get hurt and run to Mommy for comfort. After a couple of minutes, they jump up and get back to doing whatever it was they were doing, like they forgot the whole thing. They're too funny!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

aww...so sweet! Poor Demps hope your kisses made it all better.

Give him some hugs from Bailey, Radar and me.


Reminds me of the time my first dog snuffled up a bee in the grass and got stung on the nose. He came running to me, whimpering, and dove into my lap. The nose swelled up pretty fast, and he definitely wanted cuddles for the rest of the day. Darn bee!

Just like Demps, mine have always seemed to want their comforting when they bang themselves unexpectedly.

Poor Demps -hope his nose is okay now!


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