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Cairn Photo Tip!


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As Pindrop pointed out, it's tricky to get our dogs (or any animal/kid) to sit still long enough to snatch a good shot. Sometimes as you hit your shutter the pup moves and you lost that oh-so-cute moment.

Well for anyone who isn't a camera-nerd, here's a tip: Put your camera on Sports Mode.

Most times, this can be located on top of your camera, on a wheel and is depicted by a man running (or if you're like me it just looks like a mysterious hieroglyphic until otherwise informed!).

This mode is designed to release the shutter more rapidly. So you're upping your chances of getting that great card-worthy shot!


Or if your camera does not have this wheel...google the make and model of your camera and the words "sports mode" and usually you can find a tutorial or manufacturer's guide on how to navigate your internal menu.

Happy holiday shooting and I hope this helps enable any of you who are getting frustrated with your camera (or dog ;) )


Aha! Good tip, Meggie - I'll check my camera tonight. (I practically need a magnifying glass to see all those tiny symbols on the back, but maybe it's there!)


Oh I should add that in some cameras, sports mode disables the flash! So if you don't have good, natural sunlight indoors, scrap it!


Thanks for the tip. I know my camera doesn't have the sports mode, but will take your advice and search google.

Maybe another tip would be VELCRO!!!


My camera has a setting called kids and pets!! hehehe I USE IT A LOT!


Lucky you, Lynn! I shoot in Manual (so like an old film camera but with out the film) but sometimes it just isn't practical with Hubble. He isn't as apt to hold on while I adjust my settings as even a toddler is!


Well if I was not so tired after chasing these two around the house I would walk over and get my good camera out and stop using my iPhone :confused: I need some work


As far as camera phones go, the iPhone is really great! But bust out that good camera =) You'll be grateful when you're in an old folks home "Hey sonny...look at my dogs" :P


Thanks for the tip. We need all the help we can get! Now, do you have any suggestions for getting a decent shot of 2 little boys, 8 and 11?! They're way worse than the Cairn ;)


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