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I'm bored mommy!


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While I was getting ready for work today, Radar had to amuse himself some how. For those with young pups, I'm sorry! I don't want to discourage you but he still has not grown up and is fast approaching 2 yrs.



Boy oh boy can I identify with that. :devil: Shadow (at RB since 2002) got into me for a hard-covered

poetry book, a tempeh cookbook, and one of my favorite posters! :lol:

Max and Nelly


Love the picture. Radar looks so proud - like he was teaching you a lesson for leaving him again. He is a handsome dog.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Radar is so cute.Wish I could hug him. I can really relate to that as well.


Well really.. what are toys meant for anyway..but to gut them like the little wolves that they are :twisted:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



Buffy barked in appreciation when she saw the photo. Welcome to the toy-destroying brotherhood/sisterhood, Radar!


Mine are easy on dog toys UNTIL they find an opening and then they will gut the things so having all that stuff strewn across the floor is not an unknown around here--besides, what are you going to do with a Cairn as cute as your's is, take their toys away? Not hardly, just pick it up, stuff it back in, get out the needle and thread and then in about ten years you can look at all those stitches and remember the moment.


Radar the Destroyer is certainly a handsome guy!! Was just going to post asking what kind of hardy toys to buy 'cause Finn is down to a nylabone Frisbee only. He's done to all soft toys what Radar has done, shredded 2 Kong wubba's & torn the covering off every ball he owns. Since he swallows everything, I'd rather not say where the stuffing/covering are winding up- it does seem to reappear the next day. This has been going on now for a month, with bully sticks in between. Can see you wouldn't have a recommendation :lol:


Radar amused himself - - - and me, also!!!!!!!!


We can all relate to this picture-too cute!!


as usual..the little imp is back to his ways. Them seem so good when you bring them home from the babysitters but give them time and they are back to their antics. Course Radar is just such a handsome little guy it's hard to stay mad at them for long. I didn't show Layla what Radar can get up to as I didn't want to disillusion her - after all he is her hero!

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


i know that look.

i saw nutting! nutting!



i know that look.

i saw nutting! nutting!

Hahaha...I remember when you first posted this picture PK.

It's always so nice to read that I am not alone and others have the same and maybe worse habits or addictions to deal with. I think Radar's fighting adulthood, we went out the other night and when we returned Radar had emptied out the bathroom wastebasket, which was full of tissues. Sad part...he seemed so proud of his little mess. :devil:


I remember that picture too PK....yes Hawkeye ~ Layla has that same look - "catch me if you can" with the tissues (or socks! her favorite)

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


I'd like a day we didn't have some piece of a gutted or destroyed toy on the floor! Watch out if there is paper left anywhere!


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