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What was I thinking.......?

Idaho Cairns

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Just so you understand why some Daughter-in-Laws think their FIL's are beyond the pale in terms of what their children have to suffer, I offer up this example of my Thanksgiving at the kids' place. This was a quick $40.00 lesson in exactly what one should expect from a Cairn Terrier. Still in all, Sammi can notch her gun with one kill.

Otherwise it was a nice Holiday, I got a round of golf in on one of my favorite Boise courses, the girls were loved on and played to exhaustion with, and Grandma got her her opinion of her spouse's maturity level reinforced--what could be better than that?


Sammi was a very good wee Cairn.. she listened to you. Thank goodness mice dont fly :w00t:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



Yeah but one good bite as she snatched the thing out of the air, destroyed it! I was not the most popular adult in the house at that moment.


I love this video. I hate the fact you had to go to Walmart on Black Friday. I'm glad it wasn't me. They mind really well. Thank you so much for sharing.


The perfect toy! Too bad it wasn't cairn proof... but then I've yet to find a toy that is!


What a good listener Sammi is (despite the chomped chopper).

At the bf's office, the guys race RC helicopters. Hubble is curious but afraid of them...thankfully! And walmart on black friday? OOOF. You're a trooper for that!


Great video - so funny!



I agree, "Walmart, on Black Friday!" I hope the chopper was a little cheaper after you battled your way through the people and stood in line a half an hour or more. Bless you - for being such a good grandpa. ... did you pick up a little something for Sammi? :halo:

Another Thanksgiving memory that the kids will tell. Thanks for the vid.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Yeah but one good bite as she snatched the thing out of the air, destroyed it! I was not the most popular adult in the house at that moment.

Oh Yeah...I can see how long that thing would last at our house. Additionally, our ears would be ringing

from the bark fest! Fun video, thanks!

Max and Nelly


Goodness, Chuck, you should know better! :whistle: (Is that what your wife and DIL told you?) Hilarious video though, and everyone is guaranteed to remember this Thanksgiving.


Grandpa getting carried away with "his girls" is not completely a strange situation with the family but this, I have to admit, was a bit over the top. I could clearly see that both Sammi and Bonnie were determined to get their teeth into what I assume they believed to be the biggest and loudest moth they every got a shot at. As you can see, they went for it. Had I examined the "Air Hog" a little closer, I would have seen that it had a snowball's chance in hell of surviving a Cairn snatch and grab but I didn't and so it went.

My dear wife, always on tender ground with the DIL, did her death stare and mouthed "stupid a.." and left me to my own desserts as I tried to rectify the matter--the kids, of course, loved the hub bub of it all, knowing I would make amends--which I did.

The cooks provided three kinds of turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, baked (great), smoked (greater), and fried (greatest)! I had never had either smoked or fried turkey before and now I'm sure a cooker is in the offing because the taste was just too much better, the birds too much more moist to not do on a regular basis.

Sammi and Bonnie were just super all weekend--greatly mauled, stepped on (their fault), run ragged but like the good Cairns they are, they "took a lickin' and kept on tickin'" without a snarl of complaint. Of course they collapsed on the way home and Sunday was just a wipe out day for them as they recovered.

Here are the two troopers twenty minutes after we hit the garage late Saturday night--hor's de combat!


All in all it was a great Holiday over in the "Big City"--I got to go to Cabela's, got to play golf on one of my favorite courses on Saturday afternoon while all the Boise State fans were screaming for their Broncos, and, of course, I got to hit Walmart on the worst shopping day of the year--I did not, however, have to pummel and push my way thru the toy section!


Ah, naptime. So good.

I think fried is pretty much the ultimate for turkey. The WAF (wife acceptance factor) regarding the cooker and oil and especially another device or appliance are more than I can overcome :P But the smoker is what's known as a "sunk cost" (we already have one) so we roll with a smoked turkey breast these days. I do love a nice brined and smoked turkey... and pulled pork... and ribs... etc.

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So sweet. :halo:

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Very funny video! Yes, that toy wouldn't last in our house either.


We had that same helicopter at my Mom & Dad's for Thanksgiving. Note the use of the past tense. Kirby nailed that thing as it got close to the ground and gave it one good shake that sent it flying across the room. This was while he was being chased by the remote-control monster truck. He would hide behind someone and watch for the helicopter to get close to the ground, all the while watching for the dreaded truck out of one eye. Seeing his opportunity, he would race out and try to snag the copter while avoiding the monster truck that would race out from it's hiding place. They played this game for 45 minutes with 15 people standing or sitting around watching. Kirby won the day (as did Sammi), and the copter is no more. The monster truck batteries ran down before Kirby ran down, but he slept good that night!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 


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