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Haggis pops a wheelie


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awww...poor guy having to do wheelies for food! Very cute.....

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Haggis is quite insistent about being recognized! Love it. I have noticed that Cairns have some difficulty getting good purchase on vinyl or wood flooring--Haggis is no exception.


He looks good for his age doing that!



he looks pretty sharp to me.


Very handsome "mature" boy :magic:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



hahaha...he does get into begging! He looks great, Brad.


How long does he do it for? Does his uber cuteness and persistence win over his Mom and get him a nibble?


Oh, he'll do it until the bowl hits his crate. No nibbles in advance! We often put him in his crate to wait if he's too agitated or loud, though. He'll still bark from there. Sometimes if I stand in front of him and block his view he'll quiet a bit. It's no use telling him to shush as he's near enough to deaf. Besides, dinner is probably the highlight of his day. We don't really care if he makes a ruckus.

Haggis does seem pretty perky, fairly often, for a dog of his age.

If I used one of the longer clips, you'd be able to hear Dundee in the background, warbling like a bird until his food arrives. The girls wait quietly. Echo licks her crate door while she waits. (We feed them in their crates so they don't feel they have to defend their bowls from each other.) What a zoo.

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"What a Zoo"


Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


:lol: "wheelie" I don't know why we went and called it boring ol' "up" when Hubble does it.

Haggis is so cute and has such a spring to his step, amazing for a fellow of his age.


DH just leaned over my shoulder to see this one. He agrees that Haggis looks terrific!


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