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DOGGY Slippers?


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Hey anyone know any good size doggy paws for my cairn? he is pretty big, like 24+lb's now, he's really well built! He has kinda big feet! I want to buy these for them for winter so we can go for walks and stuff outside in the snow, fonzy loves snow!

Something like this but alot smaller!


Pretty much just like these but for a smaller DOG (cairn)

306_L Logan.jpg

- Anyone have any sites or where I can buy them? Thanks

Click to show the full size image!


I'm fairly certain this website is the same one for the exact boots in your pictures. http://www.ultrapaws.com/Ultra-Paws-TrAction-Dog-Boots/productinfo/301TP/

Which are also the ones I got for Addie, who is size small by their sizing. She doesn't love them, but will tolerate them if it means getting a walk on ice, and on deicer salt.

They also have other brands. http://www.ultrapaws.com/boots_usechart.asp

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley


I'm fairly certain this website is the same one for the exact boots in your pictures. http://www.ultrapaws...ductinfo/301TP/

Which are also the ones I got for Addie, who is size small by their sizing. She doesn't love them, but will tolerate them if it means getting a walk on ice, and on deicer salt.

They also have other brands. http://www.ultrapaws...ts_usechart.asp

I measured fonzy's foot and they are 2inches, so I am getting the 2inch one right now! will be purchasing them tomorrow!


2 1/4 inches smallest they got!

Can't wait to get these onto Fonzy! it's going to be biblical I love it!

Thank you


Click to show the full size image!


also Baxterboo.com has lots of brands of dog booties, shoes, socks and snow shoes.


Hope you have better luck with them than we did. We bought a pair for each dog last year when the snow reached more than 3 feet. They could shed them within a block...never could keep them on their feet. If the dogs got cold feet on the walk and started to lift them up, DH would just pick the dog up and tuck it in his jacket until he got home.

If anyone has any tricks for keeping these on cairns, I would love to know it.


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