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Passing it on.

Idaho Cairns

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What a good big sister! Great slide show...

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

That is so sweet. Great pictures that really show the bond these dogs develop. Taz never met our first Cairn Bandit, but through Gypsy, I think there’s been a little channeling going.


Thanks for that fantastic compilation of how wonderful it is to have an older dog teach the younger with such patience, understanding and love.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Great pictures, great captions . . . and all of it 100% true. Thanks, Idaho!


Lovely photos and captions!



Loved this!

Becky & Tanner

Ah how nice! really enjoyed those pictures and also to see how life is across the atlantic. 16 degrees here in london!


Ah how nice! really enjoyed those pictures and also to see how life is across the atlantic. 16 degrees here in london!

Brr! Is that celsius or fahrenheit?


You forgot one! How to ride in a golf cart safely!!!

LOVE the pictures! Beautiful!!! Thanks Idaho!


Actually Tootsie was excellent in a golf cart and spent many rounds both here at home and on the road with us when we golfed. One lesson she was never able to teach Sammi was to be quiet when we left her around the green--Sammi just squeals to be with us too much so she and Bonnie don't golf.

I actually played today--we have been having some sunny cold weather this week so I'm getting the last rounds in while I can.


Your slide show reminded me of Buffy and Ziggy, except without the initial snarling part. Once the dust settled after we added Ziggy to our home Buffy took it upon herself to show him the ropes. I guess it shows that a confident Cairn can teach anyone.


I so enjoyed looking at these pictures, I had to look at them a second and third time. I loved seeing them as pups and then all grown up. They are so beautiful.

I hope you enjoy your golf this week and maybe a few more rounds before it gets cold.


I too looked at them over and over again. Beautiful slide show and great captions. It's wonderful to see them interact like that.



Gorgeous slide show! Choked me up! Thank you for sharing!


Wonderful pictures and a perfect example why two cairns are the best!


I too loved every picture and every caption. And now of course I'm crying my eyes out. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley


I enjoyed your captions to such wonderful pictures. I noticed on the "how to play," photo, the newspaper title sitting on the table was something about being Wild... which is how cairns plays, very wild!


Awesome cute, fury big sister! I love em

Click to show the full size image!

:) Idaho - you have the best. Thanks for sharing.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Ditto with the choking thing... what wonderful pictures

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



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