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Now it's my turn to worry. Kat has an appointment to be spayed tomorrow.


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Gee I hate this kinda stuff. The little gal is tough as nails but I sure wish it was over already!!

Have you hugged your Cairn today?


Thoughts and prayers with your pretty girl! But, I'm sure all will go well.


I'm sure all will go well too. Keep your chin up and let us know how she goes when you can. Hugs

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


She should do fine, but please keep in touch to let us know how she makes out. Hugs to all.


I always worry too! You can't help it when you love someone. I hated the thought of her being in pain. If I could have I would have had the surgery in instead.

She will do fine. We will be praying and thinking of you all. Keep us posted.


Just try to keep yourself busy until you can pick her up and the time will fly by. I'm sure she'll come through it like a champ.


I always worry anyway, even though I know things will be fine. All I can do is get busy and let the time fly. Any projects need doing?

Already did em Brad, been doing em since last night till about 2:00 and started again about 5:00. The great news is I just got the call and she's already in the recovery area sleeping off the sleepy sauce (Big Grin!). There's just something about taking a little animal like that under that's fundamentally scary, glad it's over.

I have a great vet and he talked at length about it with me beforehand. Being a fantastic small animal Dr. in his late 50's and having done literally thousands of spays and neuters I asked him right up front what percent don't come back up like you hear about in horror stories. He's the kind of Vet that is always straight and he stated "I can't give you a percentage but in my career there have been 4 and I've redone everyone of those 4 a thousand times in my mind and still have no idea why". The fact that a man with his experience could remember each loss with such clarity is reassuring by itself. The fact that the chances of problems are so incredibly small makes me wonder why I worry so much?? My beloved bride says I'm the "Hyper-Vigilant" sort, must be some sort of compliment I think :confused1: . At any rate it's an ugly topic but I'm sure grateful for him as a vet. With 5 cats now two dogs and a lizard we do what's called in Montana "the herd health plan", he comes to my house once a year for all the check-ups and shots in one fell swoop.

Lynn I know just how you feel. Thanks for the kind words folks.

Enough outta me, to much coffee and a keyboard is as bad as to much coffee and a telephone. Now I go pick her up and the real work begins, trying to keep her quiet for 10 days to two weeks.

Have you hugged your Cairn today?


Good Luck with that one!!! (Keeping her quiet for ten days) The next morning after I gave Kelly her pain pill she was crazy. Thought it was the pill vet said don't give her anymore, so we didn't next day same thing CRAZY KELLY! We were terrified she was going to rip out her stitches. We couldn't hold her, we couldn't crate her nothing she would slam into the door of the crate and jump and hit the top of the crate, She was like watching Linda Blair in the Exorsist.(Spell ??) later Sunday afternoon we through up our hands and said let the chips fall where they may cause we couldn't keep her calm at all. I took her for a long walk even though they are suppose to be limited in exercise I let her jump and run and play and she started calming down herself! Monday she was her normal self. She is still playing, running jumping, but not like she was. She is healing nicely. Thank God for that!

I don't see how she kept from tearing her stitches out. I would not recommend not following the vets instructions, but we had no other choice. We have a really good vet also have been using him since I was a child. he kinda had her pegged stubborn stubborn stubborn, he told me when I was leaving with her "good luck with following my instructions". Kelly is just like me.

Good Luck with her! Please keep us posted.


I'm so glad to know Kat came through well!!!

Sounds like you have a great vet!!


Wishing Kat a speedy recovery.


Definitely offering the same good wishes for a speedy recovery. I too couldn't keep Layla down the next day however much I tried. I think the main thing is not to allow them to jump up onto furniture (couch-bed). I had every intention of putting on a onesie - that got me nowhere. Let us know how she is doing when you can. Sounds like you have a wonderful vet as well. I'm sure they know that Cairns aren't the easiest to follow their advice.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


I'm glad to hear she's on the road to recovery!

And I definitely suggest a crate in terms of keeping her calm for as long as you can.

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley


I'm very glad to hear your baby is A-OK. As Pindrop said, the main thing is to keep her from jumping and running up stairs - that's what puts the most stress on the area. She'll be back to full Cairn mode in no time.


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