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Just a bit of a panic

Dempsy's Mom

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As you know we are harvesting. Still. Dempsy has been wonderful. I would love to know what he does in this house all day. No accidents, just the little dribbles that we always have. Jim informed me this morning that his sister from California will be here Friday to spend the night. YIKES! I looked around. Oh my. Dempsy has torn up squeakies - half devoured bully sticks - crumbles of nyla bones then there is the mail - the laundry - the left overs piled from my sisters birthday party - and a huge half stripped closet sitting in the entry. Ya know - it doesn't take long to pull it all together, but it sure does make you panick. And I can just close the our bedroom door where Dempsy has his harvest time nest. I just giggled looking at his nest this morning - it's so nice to be at the point in life where you want your guest to be comfortable, but it has its limits. Dempsy has earned his rights - what a great little dog and now that I have bragged about no accidents, no destruction for hours upon end .... that makes me wonder what I will come home to tonight. Just one more week please Demps.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Yikes! Good luck on your quickie clean-up. I'm sure Demps will be a good boy for another week. "Harvest time nest" - that one made me giggle.


Of course he's a good boy - what ails you woman? :) It never rains but it pours and in your case I'd say that's pretty true. But at least hubby gave you advance warning so maybe Dempsy and you together can hide some of that clutter so no one's the wiser. Enjoy the visit as I'm sure Demps will.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Hey, they know you live on a farm and they know (or will know) that it's harvest time. They're lucky they get supper before midnight! Relax and enjoy their visit and don't sweat the slight disorganization. Demps will entertain them and probably bring his harvest time nest out for all to enjoy! ;-) Have fun!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

Demps has been very good during the harvest time, but one thing concerned me -- half devoured bully sticks?? Is he ok? I have never seen half devoured bully sticks laying around my house. I know you will give the house a quick clean and be the perfect host. Demps will handle the entertainment for you and hubby. Enjoy your company!


Demps is a great dog. He will be perfect this week I know it!


We have half devoured bully's here too - he hides them in the guest bedroom, usually under the pillow. Either that or the guests are having midnight snacks!


"Half-devoured" says 'one furbutt in the house' :)


Janis - cute. Maybe I should check under the pillow in the guest room to see if Demps hid any snacks there. It's just one night - as she is flitting through. I like her to see everything in ship shape because this is where she grew up and she is a very wealthy woman now with housemaids and the whole bit - but like you say, "this is where you came from honey and you can't shake your roots." :) She is very nice and I do like her. Demps will love to see a visitor. I am just so proud of Demps for his "let's do what it takes and get r' done with attitude." No poos :) and his little peepee pad is just damp. So amazing to me. Well my grain cart awaits.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



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