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Demps at dog park

Dempsy's Mom

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Today Demps and I snuck away for a little bit to the dog park. At first we went to the small dog side - but there was a poodle there that would not leave Demps alone (humping), so we quickly decided that we would go to the big dog side. Demps is the weight where he can go on either side. You can hear Demps growl and bark as the owner of the brit trys to keep his dog from jumping - it was like Dempsy was trying to help. Dempsy enjoys that dog park.


Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



I wish videos would work on my pc. There are so many videos that would be so nice to view. One of these days I'll get a new pc.

Poor Demps, being harassed by a poodle. I'll bet the big dog side of the park is more fun anyway.


he is such a cutie


Wonderful video. I love the way that Demps never becomes non-plused around the bigger dogs. "Ok, if I have to reach up to sniff you, by golly you have to bend down to sniff me!" Cairns at play are just too much fun.


Look at that tail go! It's wonderful to see Dempsy having such a great time, especially knowing how he's been pining away for you during harvest.

Buffy loves the dog park too. She makes it a point to let the big dogs know she's not just some little lap dog; she can run and play with the big boys. Cairns have a marvelous ability to fit in anywhere.


Dempsy looks like he's having a blast!


Love to watch Demps at play and he's right at home at the big dog side but then again why wouldn't he - he's a Cairn right?

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


I love this video. Demps is so cute. I think it is amazing these little dogs don't seem to be afraid of big dogs at all. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for sharing! Demps is such a laid back little dude. He looked like he was really enjoying himself. What a good boy!


Great video - love watching Demps hanging with the others. He's one cool dude!


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