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What Cairns will have costumes for Halloween?


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The kids are begging to get Divot a Halloween costume. I think we're going to put something together this weekend. :shy: :shy:

Anyone else's Cairn going in costume this year? If so, what are they going as?


We would like to dress Murphy up as a well-behaved Cairn Terrier this year.



Cassie will be wearing a onesie I bought at Target that has a giraffe pattern on it and DD will make a "worlds shortest giraffe" sign. It wasn't a planned costume, just one of a three pack I got for her surgery.


Percy will be dressed up as her arch nemesis....



Percy! You adorable and miserable all rolled up into one!

I can't wait to see a pic of the little giraffe!


Addie will be going as a cow, in homage to my alma mater The College of Wooster (COW). She's already tried on the costume, and looked entirely confused. She also dug it out of a drawer and gave it a good chew when I wasn't paying proper attention to her. Per my mom's suggestion, I will be dressing her as a devil from next year on, because that is really more like her. Although I have considered not doing anything and telling everyone she's a fox, because other than the bushy tail, I swear I caught a wild fox and am trying to pass her off as a dog.

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley


We would like to dress Murphy up as a well-behaved Cairn Terrier this year.

Let me know where you can buy the costume for this. :lol:


hehehe love all the responses so far. Would also thoroughly enjoy seeing any Cairns outfits.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Well Oscar has a Superman costume. He wore it last year and walked with us during trick or treating with our DS. He was so good with all the people around.

For the annual Christmas card he and DS are Santa Clauses.


Max is going to go as Toto. No dressing up needed, lol. THe only bad thing is he's wheaton. My daughter is Dorthy for Halloween.


As a redhead, if I do go out (Halloween in NY can get a bit too rowdy for my liking) I will be going as Pebbles Flintstone...I was hoping to snag Hubble a decent Dino costume but haven't found any quality versions...

I have been trying to convince the bf to purchase this: http://www.partycity.com/product/raptor+dog+costume.do?sortby=ourPicks&pp=60&size=all&navSet=179241

But he's of the "Let the dog be a dog" mentality.


Oh, that dinosaur is too much--I'm keeping that in mind for next year don't think I'm not. It just fits Bonnie's personality to a tee. That is exactly what she thinks she is!

:lol: I enjoy it too! It's so silly and clever...I'm sure Bonnie will wear it well!

Bear will be dressing as a great white shark. Kids picked it out at Petsmart. Hopefully he won't shred the costume!


hahaha brilliant! I couldn't stop giggling - poor Demps....

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Now we know the real identity of the "Masked Man"! That never happened in all those radio shows and movies I listened to and watched as a child. Imagine, Demps reveals all.


LOVE LOVE LOVE Dempsy! He's so cute!


I love the lone ranger!

The kids are after me to get Kelly a costume for Halloween! They know we don't do Halloween, not costumes anyway. I had thought just for kicks though, making a head piece that has horns and a halo!


That would be very cute Lynn. Little devil ... angel? Idaho - I forgot about the "masked man" and how he didn't reveal himself. I got in on the tail end of the Lone Ranger.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Love the Lone Ranger! My kids tried to talk me into that dino costume! It's a hoot! I think Divot is going to be sunflower from Plants vs. Zombies (insert smiley here with bag over the head). I have to get it made, though. I'm so behind on all the costumes this year!


Now we know the secret--it is Dempsey! I liked the way he ripped off the mask to reveal his true identity--too bad he couldn't get at those multicolored pants! It made him look like George Hamilton when he played the lead in "Zorro the Gay Blade". I half expected Demps to bark out "You are my Peeples!"


:lol: I was wondering if there was going to be a comment about Demps's halloween peepeer pad.

PS Yes, that dino costume is priceless - made me LOL.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



I love it!! I was amazed the mask stayed on as long as it did.


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