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Divot's Alerting Us to a New Possible Threat in the Neighborhood


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Divot is cracking me up! The neighbors across the street put up their fall decorations--complete with a scarecrow. Divot is convinced he must alert us to that intruder as he lies in his favorite sunny spot in front of the door. He keeps doing low woofs and an occasional growl while looking at it. :lol: When the wind blows and the sleeves move around, he gets really suspicious of it. The cat keeps looking at him like he's a problem child. Too funny!


That is so cute. Kelly also has to alert us of anything new, a new trash can, new car, piece of paper laying on the ground, it can be anything. I can't imagine what she would do if someone put up a scarecrow. LOL


Good boy Divot. If no one else is going do to neighborhood watch then it has to be you.


We recently got an intake profile that said -

"She is frightened easily by the oddest things, like a shirt hanging on a doorknob if it wasn't usually there. She doesn't like change."

They thought there was something wrong with her, I just had to laugh (and reassured them).


Hang in there Divot Halloween is fast approaching, the best is yet to come. Guard dog on duty!


Just wait until all the ghosts and goblins come to your door. It's going to be a very busy Halloween for Divot!


Last evening when I let Ivy outside (along with her big brother the golden, Mason) she saw 4 deer in our yard and she went after them like they were squirrels. She was extremely proud of herself when they took off, but I noticed she ran over and stood next to Mason immediately afterwards and stayed with him until they came in. She pretends to be so tough!!!


Go, Ivy, go! They do think they can take on the world, don't they?

Oh my, hheldorfer, I didn't think about how Divot might react to all the trick-or-treaters this year!

I could totally see Divot being disturbed by a shirt hanging on a doorknob! It is a funny little quirk in these dogs!


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