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Oh I am so relieved

Dempsy's Mom

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I couldn't find where to post a new topic - thanks Brad, I was having Cairn Talk withdrawal attacks.

We are heavy into harvest - poor Demps doesn't see me all day, I finally show up well after dark. I am trying to throw a surprise birthday party for my sister this weekend. Decorating fall - bought a scarecrow - put it at the top of the step for the time being and little Demps tells it off every night. He gets to the top of the steps and just rips into a vicious barking frenzy. Poor little fart is worried about it. I found him in the middle of the night laying half way out the bedroom door watching it. I moved him to the other bedroom - but Demps is still suspicious.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



And where is the Tin Man and Cowardly Lion? :)

Cairns can be so protective when someone has invaded their territory.


Aww poor Demps. Maybe he thinks you brought another creature to live in the house.


Awwww.....it's clear he thinks he is your guardian. SO cute. Hope he eventually gets a good night's sleep.


I hope he gets a good nights sleep soon. :) I know how Kelly reacts to anything new so it may be awhile, if Dempsey is like Kelly.


You must be exhausted with your dawn to dusk harvest routine. I'm sure Demps misses you greatly and is hoping it will all be over soon . . . and hoping that the evil scarecrow goes away, too!


I love to read your stories about the farm, I was a farmers daughter and know what it's like at harvest time. Bless him your Dempsey, he's keeping his eye on that scarecrow for you.



awww..poor Demps - always on guard, never a moment to rest! Yes, you and hubby must be almost spent of energy. Although we all love your stories, it's easy sitting in an easy chair wishing we could live a little like you - unbeknownst to all the hard work needed for this lifestyle. Hang in there, it will all be over soon and you can finally resume your normal life. Let Demps know the party is coming up and he will be in seventh heaven with all the attention.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


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