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Just want to know I'm not alone

Lynn in TN

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Thought I would try this out and see if our new fancy forum works (what I really want to know is if I can figure it out) HA!HA!

Kelly went a whole month no potty mistakes, she started cutting teeth and now is having more accidents in the house than she had when she was nine weeks old. Right now I am so agitated with her. She went from coming to get me, barking scratching doing whatever she had to do to get my attention to doing nothing and showing no signs what so ever! I took her out to potty she just sat down. I brought her back in she pood in my kitchen. She is really getting ready to learn what the crate is. She has had free run of the house since we brought her home except at night and when we are gone. Which isn't very often. She is eating drinking and sleeping normal playing normal so I am assuming this is because of cutting teeth or she is growing up and rebelling. Will it last long.

She has had at least 2 mistakes a day for a week. Some days 3 or 4.

Sorry to be complaining I guess i just need to vent a little.


You are not alone. And it's probably a combination of all things you mentioned.

Go back to the basics. Tether, outside every couple of hours when you are home, lots of praise when she goes outside, pick up water before bed, etc.


Yup - back to basics unfortunately - but don't despair - remember patience and timing. Your old Kelly will come back - hang in there.

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They do this. At least Kirby did. He is almost 2 and actually out of the blue did the poo! Yep, right back in his old spot in the dining room, just once, wanted to scream! Me not him.... but he's back to fine! Hang in there!


It's so weird when all those puppy teeth fall out. It almost happens over night.

Ripley was very hard to potty train. Months and months of hard work on everyone's part. But once she got it, no problem. It seems to happen overnight too!

Don't hesitate to crate her. She needs those boundaries. Baby gates are good too. It's definitely an immaturity thing. You will see the change when it happens. Sometimes it's just a matter of when "she's" ready. Thank god for tile floors!

You are not alone. When Ripley was that age she peed on the couch.....TWICE! I nearly lost my mind. Haha.


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