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Malcolm meets his match

Malcolm's Dad

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Woof! Malcolm here. Help! My daddy has gone insane. These uprights are totally nuts. Daddy says I have to wear a collar. Ok. But wait a minute, that is not a collar. That is one of those donuts people with hemorrhoids sit on. You're gonna what? You're gonna put that on who? Oh no you're not. Forget it dude. I'll sit on that thing but I'm not wearing it. Nope get away from me. Oh no you are not! Grrrrrr!!

Phew, Malcolm's dad here. Well Malcolm has finally met his match. My Doberman wannabe with the I WILL bite you attitude of a junkyard dog has been subdued. And of all things. Its not the cone of shame, its the donut of doom.

He was still fussing with his butt so he needed a cone. I got the inflatable cone and its working very well. When I put it on he just stood there for about 5 minutes looking shocked. Then he tried to get it off. Believe it or not (this really does belong in Ripley's) he could not get it off. Amazing. Then he trotted around. Maybe it would fall off. He went outside, maybe the wind would blow it off. It wasn't coming off so he sat next to me and gave me a sorrowful look. "Take it off daddy please." Sorry buddy, its working so it has to stay on. He had dinner and time in the yard. It doesn't interfere with his activities except for keeping him away from his back end. He came in and had a nap on the couch.

Then the most unexpected thing happened. Malcolm is actually being timid. I thought he would be frantic trying to get this thing off. He is getting used to it. He is very calm tonight, walking around instead of dashing around. Instead of that defiant look in his eye he has a serene almost defeated look about him. Imagine that, my little Genghis Khan is taking some time off the warpath. A simple thing like an inner tube did him in.

I wonder if this is working like those thundershirts? It does put a gentle pressure on his neck. I inflated it enough to work but not so much that it would squeeze his neck. It does seem to have a soothing effect. Either that or he is busy doing some serious thinking about this thing.

Oh, Janis I'm sorry. There is a thread on Behavior and Health titled "Scent Gland Problem?" The medical problem is solved so I figured his adventures belonged in the Life category. Sorry if I put this in the wrong place.

PK your advice has been much appreciated. I take him out frequently to potty and no matter how much he begs he is not getting two dinners.


Hi Malcolm! Dempsy here. Sorry my friend, you lost that battle. :confused:

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Gavin here -- HAH! Wimp! You call yourself a Cairn? Why, in NO time at all I had that inflatable off!! :twisted: But then my Mom put a harness on me, AND a collar, AND the innertube, hooked them all together, and then (and only then) was I licked. :confused: Oh well, hope you don't have to wear it for long.


arf. sadie here. sorry to hear that you have that awful thing on. i hope it helps.

save a life! Adopt!


Hey, Malcolm! If you go swimming with that thing on, will it hold you up? That's what I'd do, go swimming. I mean, if you gotta wear it, you might as well have some fun.

Your Friend, Packy

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

Woof! Malcolm here. Daddy thinks he is so smart making me wear this stupid thing and now all my friends are laughing at me. I got him back. If I have to wear this thing to bed so does he. I slept on his head last night. HA!


Way to go, Malcolm! You guys are always too smart for us....


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