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Idaho Cairns

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To bad I dont live in Idaho :( lol

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Wow that sounds like fun. Sammi and Bonnie are the Esther Williams of the Cairn world. Have a good time.


That sounds like fun. One of them has to win cutest dog contest. Can't wait for the pictures and video to follow.


They know something is up, our excitement has jumped over to them as the time of departure gets closer. I never thought about the contests, we'll see what happens there but the swimming is what interests me. At least we'll have no lost balls this time and we do have smaller ones for Bonnie, easier to handle in the water. This is a huge complex so I'm anxious to see how the dogs handle it.


I wonder who is more excited? Definitely videos are the entry fee back into this thread. ( Esther Williams of the Cairn world - hahaha - like that one.) Can't wait to see and hear how much fun they are having.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


What a good idea. Can't wait to see the pics! Have a great time!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Humans are not allowed to swim. LOL! Please take pictures of the cutest dog, ugliest dog, and the owner-doggie lookalike winners! :P


Can't wait to hear all about it. Maybe some synchronized swimming? ... okay everyone in the pool... now ... tails up ... turn right ... left paw over head ... full circle ... jump out ... shake


Wonderful afternoon in the first annual Lava Hot Springs Dog A Pool Ooza. The organizers expected no more than 30 dogs and well over a hundred showed up so it was bedlam. Dogs everywhere, running, jumping, playing, diving, swimming and just having fun. Bonnie and Sammi were really leery of the pool early on, it was nothing like the ponds and rivers they are used to but once they figured it out it was all big time fun for them--we literally had to drag Sammi out after two hours--she would chase balls or just go out and swim around.

As always, we were amazed with how well mannered all the dogs were--despite all the excitement there was no aggressive behavior, bad behavior, just a lot of dogs playing and smiling.

This gives you the tenor of the afternoon--Bonnie getting tail mauled by a big Golden Retriever--Bon can handle it, she stays focused, her eye on the ball.

I'll add another short video to give a better idea of how many dogs were there and what it looked and sounded like. Dogs are so neat--when they have fun it is just fun--no worries, no agendas but their own--I didn't hear a growl all afternoon. This is Bonnie swimming with the big dogs--and finally handling a full size tennis ball!


Atta girl, Bonnie! You handled that tennis ball like a pro!



Looks like all the dogs had a great time!



What a wonderful day for the furkids! I wish they had something like that around here. :confused:


That was just great! I would have liked to have been there myself. Great Dogs having fun, you can't beat that! Thanks for sharing your day of fun.


hilarious! they are such good sports.


Awesome videos! Thank you so much for sharing. They look so cute swimming!!! :wub:


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