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Awesome moment.. with fonzy


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Well my grandma just chilling at the table and she was looking out the door, and she was laughing like crazy at fonzy, because he was hunting a bee and fonzy took the wing of the bee and the bee couldn't fly the bee was trying to run away, and fonzy kept attacking it.. and in the whole process my grandma was laughing her ass off the whole time, I was too, it was like a special moment to watch fonzy do that and make my grandma laugh like that, Just another reason why cairns are really something else, watching my grandma laugh/etc put a smile on my face.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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They can truly make you laugh no matter how bad your day has been. I love them for that. Fun dogs to have that's for sure.


Newman - I'm just so happy to hear that your Mum and Grandma have come to accept him and he is fitting in so well with the family as a whole. He seems to have come a long way and finally perhaps stolen their hearts too. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story as I sit here with a smile on my face.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog



Great story!! So glad your family is in love with Fonzy as much as you are!!


Great story, thanks for sharing. Amazing how the simply things in life can make you feel so good.


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