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PK how are you?

Malcolm's Dad

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PK how are you? We've heard from everyone else on the east coast and thank goodness they are safe. I heard on the news Vermont had bad flooding. I'm picturing you Redmon and Teddy trapped in your house surrounded by water having to be rescued by boat. Let us know how you all are doing. I hope Redmon is still doing ok too.


Pk has been posting since the hurricane, so I assume they are not in the situation you are imagining... just letting you know so you don't worry.

I became a dog person AFTER I got my dog.



PK is fine, thank you! I don't know what protected me but there was no damage at my place, not even a washed out driveway, and the highways to Boston were always clear, so even Redmon's treatments were not interrupted (I'm writing you from the clinic right now). Unfortunately the devastation of the towns around me, and everywhere in Vermont, is staggering. Wonderful landmarks, including wooden bridges, smashed or weakened to where they must be destroyed. There are still a few thousand people with no electricity and a lot of people with no phone service. It is an incredible scene, but people are doing a great job of helping each other. I hope other friends in the Northeast are recovering well.


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