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Looking for Groomer in Greenville/Anderson SC Area

Lexi Jo

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I'm looking for a groomer in the Greenville or Anderson, SC area that does hand stripping. My long-time groomer moved out of the state, and I've had no luck finding anyone else that does it. I'm allergic to dogs, but when Lexi has the coarse coat, I'm much less allergic. If you know of anyone, please reply. Thanks for the help.


One suggestion that I've seen work for people (if your allergies will permit it) is to attend a few dog shows and wander the grooming areas talking to people with any of the harsh double-coated breeds, such as Cairn, Westie, Norfolk, Norwich, Lakeland, Welsh, Border, Airedale, etc. All of these folks know the heck out of stripping terrier coats and more importantly may know other breeders, exhibitors, or handlers or others in the area who take on grooming jobs. One friend in our area would take on grooming pets to help her learn how to deal with a variety of coat types and conditions, fine-tune her skills at shaping and fault-grooming, and so on; others just appreciate some extra income.

I would not be concerned about whether they owned Cairns themselves. The mechanics are similar and given a decent picture of a Cairn you like the look of, most would do an entirely satisfactory job - especially compared to what we see come out of the clip-shops!

Good luck!

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