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The Boot of shame

Sam I Am

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During the winter I always put boots on Jocks feet as walking in this winter city is not fun without protection. We always chuckle because Jock thinks that having to wear boots is a punishment... at least in his little Cairn mind. About a week ago I noticed Jock licking his hind foot over and over again. Upon having a closer look, his inside nail was totally missing! All that was left was just the nub of his toe. I have no idea how he managed to rip his whole nail out but he must have done it when we weren’t at home. I am sure half the neighbourhood must have heard him when it happened. Poor boy .. that had to hurt! :confused:

He has been licking and licking it and actually causing more damage, never letting it heal over. So, my DH suggested we put on a felt boot and let the toe heal without Jock constantly irritating the skin with his licking. On went the boot... the boot of shame. Head down, sulking under the bed, and acting like nothing more dastardly could have been done to him.

The good thing is that his toe is starting to heal and until it totally heals up the felt boot will stay on his back foot. Much to his disgust. :mad:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



Awww poor Jock and he thinks you're being really rotten to him! glad it's starting to heal though, as you say it must have hurt a lot when he did it.



Poor Jock!!! I know how that hurts. I ripped one of my nails off one time. I believe I'd rather been in labor, cause at least you get someone good afterward Nothin good came from getting my nail ripped off. OUCH!


LOL I bet that's cute. Jock it's even more shameful with just 1 boot. :shy: Hope you heal quickly!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Tell Jock that wearing one boot is fashionable. Get well soon, little guy!


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