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New camera


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I'm happy to say that I've finally joined the ranks of members on this site who are able to post photos of their wonderful cairns. Here are some of my first attempts. Of course the credit goes to Ruffy for any shots that turned out well.

• A few photos show him at the base of a tree, doing what he does best - pursuing squirrels.

• Two other shots actually capture some quiet moments.

• The first one shows Ruffy at the end of a perfect day. (It was supposed to be positioned last. (Oh well).

Hope you like these first efforts!








They are lovely photos! Ruffy is lovely too!


Idaho Cairns

I like them all but am especially attracted to that "last" photo of a sleeping Ruffy. Neat.


Great photos :thumbsup:


Wonderful photos, Sanford! Ruffy is quite the model, posing perfectly in every shot. Good job. :thumbsup:


What a handsome little guy! I love the smile on his face in the treeing shots! You can see the happiness there! I'm so glad you got a new camera and shared with us!


Cute pics! Thanks for posting!

Becky & Tanner

I had no idea that Ruffy was so handsome (of course all Cairns are....) He is very Wheaton like Layla and has such an expressive face. Great work with the camera - the shots are bang on. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to get away every so often to a "rural" setting and enjoy the peace and greenery of the countryside?

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Really nice pics. Ruffy looks happy, investigative and sweetly dreaming of his day. Love Ruffy.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Aww Ruffy is such a handsome guy. I love all the photos, he looks like a very happy cairn!


What a sweetie! Looks like a happy go lucky guy. I wonder what kind of bush/shrub/tree that is in the second picture? Would love to have some of those in my back yard.


Great photos of Ruffy! he is gorgeous. My favourite is the middle one, with his tongue hanging out - just waiting for that squirrel to fall out of the tree!


what a cutie, looks so much like Napoleon


Great pictures! Ruffy is VERY good lookin!

I grew up in CT and miss all the greenery!!


Beautiful photos. I love them all! Great job. I love digital cameras. When you have Cairns and Children you need one. You can take hundreds and just delete the ones that turn out bad which in my case is a lot.

Ruffy is very handsome.


He's a lovely handsome boy and your photo's have turned out beautifully. I too like the one with his tongue hanging out the best but they're all good.



- just waiting for that squirrel to fall out of the tree!

He's got a good reason to wait, Islander... That actually happened to us! On our walks, Ruffy always looks up, scanning the trees instead of looking where he's going, just hoping for a squirrel to fall out of a tree. He's so obsessed, It's a wonder he doesn't trip over his own feet.

We were walking along the side of the road on our way to the lake when I heard a distinct whoosh over head. I instinctively ducked my head, feeling a rush of air as a squirrel, (who must have been running above us along the high wires on the telephone poles) plopped right down, literally at my feet. We all froze with surprise. Luckily for the critter, the grass was soft, so after lying on his back for an instant, he flipped onto his feet & took off. Of course Ruffy was ready to follow, but I had a death-grip on the leash, too stunned to move and grateful that I wasn't wearing a squirrel on my head! We continued on to the lake where Ruffy went for his first swim which was so much fun that I actually forgot all about my close call with the bushy-tailed dive bomber until now.



What a happy, lucky boy! I'm so glad you adopted him.


Gus says, "Squirrels falling out of the sky in this place called Connecticut...let's go there please!!!"


Gus says, "Squirrels falling out of the sky in this place called Connecticut...let's go there please!!!"

Buffy agrees! We'll meet you there!


Great pictures of a good looking dog. Thanks for posting. Malcolm will sit in the backyard all day watching for squirrels in his tree. Ruffy's pose looks very familiar.


Dempsy wants to go too - to this "Land of Flying Squirrels."

I am very happy to that you adopted Ruffy. He is really a good looking happy dog. Love his carrot tail.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Layla wants to come too. Flying squirrels - what fun that will be. Wonder if they wear parachutes?

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


I wonder what kind of bush/shrub/tree that is in the second picture? Would love to have some of those in my back yard.

Hi Merlyn'sNiceLady,

I checked with the gardener and this is the info I got in response to you question re the ornamental grass in the pic:

I don't know the name of this big clumping grass, unfortunately, but it can be found by comparing to similar ones at various web sites. It's perennial but goes dormant after the first frost (and turns a warm oatmeal color). Late in summer or early fall, flower plumes shoot up from the center, which give the dormant remains a nice flourish, especially when dressed with fresh snow. It needs be cut back to about 6" to 12" above the ground each spring. That's the only really messy part about any of the so-called ornamental grasses.



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