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Too Smart


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Usually we take the boys out for their swim/fishing/duck hunting in the afternoons. Today it was supposed to get up to 107* before the heat index, so we took them out in the morning. Apparently they thought that was just a bonus because they're following me around, begging to go out AGAIN because, after all, it's afternoon!

I went upstairs to do some packing for a trip and they followed me up. They usually get all excited when I head up to put on my swimsuit. I packed a few things and headed back down the hall to go downstairs. They blocked me! They wouldn't let me get by them BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE MY SWIMSUIT ON! Now they're getting scary smart! :surrender:

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

That is scary smart. And double trouble when you have 2 of them conspiring!


I tell you....this is seriously the smartest dog I've ever had. Cairns are canine geniuses!


I'll agree that these are the smartest dogs I have ever seen. You can see their wheels turning. All of them are amazing to watch.


You deviated from the accepted routine! You can't do that around a Cairn, silly human! :P

Idaho Cairns

Yes we know, our dogs recognize the "go for a walk" tennis shoes immediately, they distinguish them from all other shoes and the minute they go on feet, the whining starts.


When we tell the kids it's dinner time, or that dinner's done Max will go into his kennel and lay down. Same thing if we put our coats on, or shut the tv/ computer off. He'll go into his kennel without being told.


Jock is telepathic I swear! When I plan to either brush his teeth or think about grooming him... zoom he is under the bed. :whistle: He reads my unspoken body language like no other animal I know. Even my mare cant read me like Jock can.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



They are great observiors, like to be ahead of the game and in control. Love them.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



How dare you change things up on them. They are very smart! Just like Idaho, the minute I put my sneakers on they start the running around/hootin & hollerin go for walk parade.


I packed a few things and headed back down the hall to go downstairs. They blocked me! They wouldn't let me get by them BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE MY SWIMSUIT ON! Now they're getting scary smart! :surrender:

It is scary when they start to work as a team with a single mind. Just be thankful they don't have thumbs. Wait until one starts a distraction so the other can get into something... sigh.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins



Hogan knows my "go to the park" pants. Total diappointment if I put something ELSE on!


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