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My daddy is so proud of me

Malcolm's Dad

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Woof! Malcolm here. We have squirrels that go through the garbage cans and bring their treats up in the tree in my backyard. Then those naughty squirrels drop their garbage in my yard. Sometimes it's not so bad, they drop bones!! Daddy takes the bones and throws them back in the garbage. He says they are not good for me.

Well the other day a squirrel dropped a nice big rib bone. When daddy let me out I ran right to it and grabbed it. Daddy said no. I growled at daddy and ran to the other side of the yard. No way am I giving up this bone. I found it, it's mine. Finders keepers. Daddy came over and said "Drop it". I looked at daddy and said "NO". Then daddy growled and said in a real mean voice "DROP IT!" This was getting serious, daddy doesn't growl that often. I didn't want to give up the bone, but then I thought I can turn this to my advantage. When I am good daddy gives me a treat, so I figured ok, I'll drop the bone.

I dropped the bone and daddy said "Good boy". I wagged my tail and looked at daddy. Daddy picked up the bone and threw it back in the garbage and then he said "You are such a good boy". Yippee, when daddy says SUCH a good boy that means a special treat. We went in the house and daddy got the treat jar. He said "I'm so proud of my good boy" and gave me a treat. Hey this worked out pretty good, I got a treat. Then daddy got something off this high shelf I can't get to. It was a smoked bone from the pet store!! Woohoo what a bonus. He said "You are such a good boy" again. This smoked bone was much better than that old bone that had already been chewed by the squirrels. I just might listen to daddy again.

Daddy says I have to put everything in one post so I want to tell Redmon how sorry I am he hurt himself. Being a wild and crazy guy is a Saturday Night Live comedy routine, you weren't supposed to really do it buddy. Now your mommy is going to be so worried about you. You just bought yourself a helicopter mom. She is going to hover over you and watch everything you do. Don't even think about running or jumping, she won't let you. But if you work it right you can get some nice chiropracter treatments and massages. Maybe a day at the doggie spa lounging in the hot tub too.

Layla is getting a trainer. HA HA. I bet after 2 hours the trainer runs away screaming. They just don't get they are dealing with a Cairn. We can do in a trainer in no time. My daddy says he has seen more humans get trained by dogs than he has seen dogs get trained by humans.

Hi to all the newcomers and puppies. If you need help dealing with your humans just ask. We have some very experienced Cairns here that can teach your human how to do anything.

Happy summer guys.


Malcolm, you GAVE UP A BONE?? Wow! You must really like your dad to sacrifice a bone! It's scary when mommies and daddies growl though - then you know they're really serious and you'd better listen. Hope you get more of those smoked things - sounds good!



aww..Malcolm - what a good boy you are. Love to hear from your daddy on your updates and hope his computer stands up for a little while longer. Insofar as Layla and the new trainer, I did warn her that this is a Cairn and mentioned that I hope Layla won't disrupt the class. She (the trainer) said in the 25 years she been doing this she has never had to have a dog removed from the class. Of course this may be the first but I certainly hope not.

Nice to hear from you again and keep us posted with the latest Malcolm adventures.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Malcolm, your dad is so good to you. My dad doesn't pay much attention to me - he would let me get away with a bone. Mom, on the other hand, watches me like a hawk. I can't get away with anything with her. You better be careful of what falls from the tree. Those squirrels are tricky fellows!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Hi Malcolm, my mom read your post to me, I think you worked that situation real intelligently, your daddy should be proud not only that you are a good boy but that you are a real smart cookie too.

Yeah I guess I should not run around and bounce on my head so much. I just felt good, so I went with it. Feeling a bit better now, but very, very very bored. I hope some day I can just run around, real sedate and everything. Maybe I'll find a nice bone on the ground too. Something I can trade in. But for money.



Hey Malcolm you did great and Daddy should be very proud of you. Those pesty squirrels are trying to get you in deep trouble but you showed them who's boss!


Wow - Malcolm is a VERY good boy. You were lucky he listened to you and dropped it.

A similar situation happened to us recently, but with a much different outcome.

Taz grabbed a 3” rib bone off the floor and ran with it. We told him to drop it but he immediately swallowed it. It happened unbelievably fast. There was NO WAY he was giving it up.

So, $540 dollars and a 3 hour ER vest visit …

Just this weekend we were talking about what if something like that happened again. Telling Taz to drop it … for him… is just encouragement to swallow fast before we take it away.

So we thought maybe we’d quickly say Who Wants a TREAT? And run to the treat cabinet. Maybe he would drop the “bad” object then??

I can’t say for sure… just hope we aren’t put to the test!!

I'm glad you had a happy ending! :thumbsup:


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