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Crazy thing I just forgot to tell everyone


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Guys I forgot to tell you about a special thing about fonzy..

1 year and half ago almost, when we both and went to go buy fonzy from a breeder. I remember going and buying him with my family, my grandma/mom/me chose him fonzy was with his sister (which not to be rude) but fonzys sister did not look cute at all to us, so we had to pick fonzy, But besides the point.. I forgot to mention this my whole time here but... the husband of the breeder killed his wife, then killed himself like days after we bought fonzy... So I just wanted to let you all know I am so blessed to have this dog and I needed to share this out... They were such nice people. They had around 10-15dogs in there little breeding barn I guess it was, and I just wanted to let everyone know that I love fonzy so much and I am so happy we got to get him, and I pray and I feel bad for the rest of the dogs that probably had to be put into a shelter/pound (Fonzy is blessed to be chosen too) which just makes him even more special to this cairnwebsite/ me and our family, so yeah. I just needed to share this out.. Kind of random but Thanks for letting me express my feelings :crybaby:

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That is awful. I wonder why things like this happens. I'm glad that you adopted Fonzy when you did, and that he has been such a blessing to your family.


My goodness that is a strange thing. I'm glad you got that off your chest by sharing. Some things in life are just meant to be I guess. The funny thing is - we don't realize it at the time but when time passes and we reflect on things, we then come to understand that there was perhaps a deeper meaning.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


somebody is watching over fonzy, obviously. what a story.


Nothing is that crucial to go crazy over. To bad.

But I am glad that Fonzy got out of there by the hair of his chinny chin chin.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



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