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How many animals are i your home/

Scruffys Mom

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Curious what our normal family is. I took a leap of faith when I added a second Cairn. Then came the 2 cats (plus the feral army I manage) and yesterday I added a 12 yr old lab in need of a good home. I love them all dearly.


We just have the one Cairn - Layla but it if was up to me, I would definitely have at least two dogs.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


We have Merlyn, our Cairn, Mo, our Havanese puppy and Morrigan our cat. We find a good balance is when the number of pets in the house equals the number of humans :)


We have Scruffy the Cairn and Clive our 17 yr old cat, poor puss didn't know what hit him when Scruffy arrived.whistle.gif



Buffy (Cairn), Ziggy (Silky Tzu), Chloe (Corn Snake) and Monty (Ball Python). One big, happy family. :)


Digger (the lab) and Dempsy inside. Three cats outside and just this week a little kitty found her way to our house - if she sticks around I will have her fixed and she will be an addition.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



I have a husband (53 year old "child") :kiss: , our 7 month Cairn Baylee, and 2 salt water fish tanks (one 120 gallons and the other is 90 gallons). My husband and I have a son (single living in Atlanta who has a Bull Mastiff) and our daughter (married with 2 ADORABLE boys and a Boxer living in St. Louis).

It's only been a few months since we got Baylee, but I'm already considering getting her a little "brother" fur baby.

Is having 2 cairns Double Trouble :devil: , or do they entertain each other???




A soon as I can get my hands on another female Cairn I'll have 2, but for now I'll have to settle for 1. Of course I have a husband and 2 sons.


Only Ripley. I sometimes think I would like another, but....then again, maybe not. Maybe one is perfect for us.


Lol never thought I would get a topic like this

We got 12Cats and 2 Dogs............... hahaha

The cats make us feel like we are in hell, when we have to clean the litter box every 6hours :twisted:

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We have two cairns - Bailey & Radar.

FL Fleu - my answer is both, 2 cairns are Double Trouble and they do entertain each other. :lol:


We have 2 dogs...Tanner (my cairn) and Stinker (a toy poodle).

Becky & Tanner

Just the DH and me at home now. Today my youngest son graduated from the Metro Nashville Police Academy! A milestone, however Kirby was not invited to the graduation (How Rude!). I digress. We raise treeing walkers (coon hounds) currently two at the house, Freckles and Daisy, Zone, Puzzle and Fall are out with trainers. Kirby is the only inside fur child, a real concession from DH. I told him I NEED another one, that one got the veto! Bummer!


We have the 2 extremes of Cairnhood ... a 15.5 year old (Gypsy) who is in her golden era, and a 3 year old (Taz) who's energy is still beyond my comprehension.

And lately, once a month, DH will bring home a shelter dog (from where he volunteers) for a sleepover ... so the dog can have a "peaceful, normal" night outside of the loud shelter environment. Last weekend we had a 7 week old puppy for 2 nights!


Mac - Westie - 6

Emmy - Cairn - 4

Obie - Cairn - 2

Pippa - Cairn - 18 weeks

NEVER a dull moment.


Glad to see I am not the only insane one here. The snakes made me cringe though.....


We have no kids, just Fearghus but we're hoping to get him a sister sometime by the end of the year. That'll have to be our limit to animals. I'm sure that'll make it a full house.




23 animals in the house, totaling just over 31 pounds!

2 cairn terries - Allie and T Bone

12 gouldian finches, 2 society finches, 3 black and white mannikins (also birds), one european goldfinch, two scarlet-chested grass parakeets, and a canary. (And yes, all these birds have names too...)

Plus two scarlet-crested grass parakeet eggs. Who knows if they will hatch? :confused1:


Packy (almost 7)

Kirby (3)

Two Cairns is enough for us, especially since DH is allergic to dogs and highly allergic to cats. Lucky for us the Cairns hardly bother him at all!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

23 animals in the house, totaling just over 31 pounds!

2 cairn terries - Allie and T Bone

12 gouldian finches, 2 society finches, 3 black and white mannikins (also birds), one european goldfinch, two scarlet-chested grass parakeets, and a canary. (And yes, all these birds have names too...)

Plus two scarlet-crested grass parakeet eggs. Who knows if they will hatch? :confused1:

Haha only 31 pounds?? :o

let's do Our animals :o


Fonzy = 22lbs

Odie (shitzu) 17Lb's


Jet = 10lbs (Tabby cat)

Bosswick = 17Lbs (Fat tabby)

MissyMonkk = 14lbs (my cat :D <3)

Rascal = 15years old almost? 12lbs

Popcorn = Rascal's brother same size I think he is around 14lb's

Boogy = Fat tabby with 2 peg legs (14lb's)

Muffin = 1 Peg leg, half of a back legit, hes a pirate bunny! (Real big though 20lbs)

CappyTon = Black tabby with 3 feet, around 13lbs

Rambo (Huge 24Lb cat) Fat cute blue color tabby!

Around 177Lb's of pure animal in my house, lol

I think theres a couple more cats but Icant remember there name, lol

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