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Nephew has reaction to dog saliva


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My 4 year old nephew, who I occasionally keep for my sister, is prone to very dry itchy skin. Lately, he's been breaking out in red, itchy splotches on his arms and face after playing with Ripley. I'm guessing this is a reaction to her saliva. The strange thing is, he only tested allergic to cats! It's a shame, because they both enjoy each others company, and now I have to keep Ripley in the kennel when he is over.

Anyone else deal with this problem?


Yes (well, sort of). My wife is mildly allergic to puppy saliva, although from the sound of it, not as severely as your nephew. She's never severely or even uncomfortably allergic, but she does get rashes from wee puppy kisses. (It doesn't stop her in any way from enjoying or encouraging them.) In contrast, birds and cats give her respiratory fits. Weirdly once puppies are older it stops being a problem for her.

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I just read an article on Yahoo about this the other day. I couldn't find a link to the article I read, but this one says about the same thing and references the same study:

dog study

Turns out when people are allergic to dogs it's to a protein found in their saliva, not their actual hair or dander as most people believe.


My Sister has that problem, but she is in her 30's. She just chooses to live with it and have a dog. She said she would rather have the rash and a dog, than to have no rash and no dog. It helps her to wash up good after holding or touching him, and Kelly.

When he gets older he can decide for his self if he would rather have a rash and pet a dog, Or not pet a dog and have no rash.

It is really terrible all the allergies people have now days.

My children are allergic to all the trees and grasses in our area (runny nose and cough) they are also allergic to cats and dogs. We are not suppose to have a dog in the house. They both

said they were tired of living in a bubble and wanted to at least have a dog. She has made them very happy and so far Thank God their allergies are no worse than normal.

My children's allergist said the same thing it is to the saliva, the reason the fur affects them is because the animals lick their fur.


That's to bad - I feel awful for both of them. ... and all who are allergic and love animals. pooh.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Sounds like it could be saliva, but thought I'd add another possibility. My nephew experinced the same symptoms as a baby. We had no idea what he was allergic to. As it turns out he had a nut allergy. Their dog would often have peanut butter in a kong and then lick my nephew's face. Lucky it never induced a more severe reaction. Any chance yours could be allergic to something the dog eats?

Jo, Jagger & Eddie



Interesting about the peanut butter. I didn't think of that. Hopefully, it will change when both he and Ripley are older. I can't imagine a boy not having a dog! Seems like a necessity for a little boy growing up! I usually let him play with the dog, wipe his hands and face with a cold rag, and say "Don't tell mommy" :twisted:

I know that sounds terrible, but he begs and pleads with me. what can I do? :innocent:


Well, I have the same reaction. I discovered a heavy spritz of the 50/50 listerine mix and a good rub down with a dry towel, used regularly to remove the allergens from the coat, alleviates most, if not all of my reaction. Of course followed by my rinsing off well after handling/playing; and I don't allow any contact with my face [i can cover up everything else:)]. A little generic cortisone cream will vanquish those red patches very quickly (after a good wash-off) and any itching that may go along with them.


I usually let him play with the dog, wipe his hands and face with a cold rag, and say "Don't tell mommy" :twisted:

I know that sounds terrible, but he begs and pleads with me. what can I do? :innocent:

I would probably do the same thing. I haven't kept my kids from playing with other peoples dogs. I just take extra steps to keep the problem from becoming a bigger problem. Baths before bed.Keeping everything dusted.Bedding washed 2 times a week, curtains washed once a month. I stay busy cleaning but it helps a lot.


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