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And the race is on ...

Dempsy's Mom

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And the race is on and here comes pride up the back stretch, heartache is going to the inside ....

Demps and I enjoy the company of Pepper when we are out in the pasture in the Gator. Dempsy is not real fond of Pepper, but he tolerates her and enjoys harassing her when she's up in the yard.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Great video. Your horse is beautiful. How many acres do you have. I must be great to have you animals to free like that.


Cairn and horse 2 of my favorite things. Love the videos of the farm can not get enough of them.

Idaho Cairns

Demps seems to be saying "out run that darned horse!". Got to love this little bit of reality video.


That looks like great fun... for dog, horse and human!


Looks like a great time for both Demps and Pepper. Thanks for the video!


As usual you come up with some great videos! Beautiful horse and looks like Demps could care less about Pepper. Your driving skills, plus taking a video, I was glad you aren't on an open road and I was coming from the other direction. :whistle:

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


aww...another great video! Demps truly loves the country life.


It is a bit of a trick to video and drive. :P

As far as the acres we own (pasture and farmland) to many. It has become quite a burden and I just hate to see the big corps and big organizations suck up the land so you just keep strugglin' along till the inevitable. I could go on and on about what I see in our future, but I take a deep breath and be happy for the present. It is important to let our minds rest and find contentment no matter where we are at in life. If not this old world will eat you up. Guess my contentment, like yours, is with the animals. :)

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



It is a bit of a trick to video and drive. :P

As far as the acres we own (pasture and farmland) to many. It has become quite a burden and I just hate to see the big corps and big organizations suck up the land so you just keep strugglin' along till the inevitable. I could go on and on about what I see in our future, but I take a deep breath and be happy for the present. It is important to let our minds rest and find contentment no matter where we are at in life. If not this old world will eat you up. Guess my contentment, like yours, is with the animals. :)

Well, I think I speak for all of us when I say that each one of your videos/posts about life on the farm is like a breath of fresh air. And Dempsy gets to enjoy sights, sounds and smells that our Cairns can only dream of. Hang in there!


Oh believe me I count my blessings morning and night. I grew up on a dairy and found Jim later in life. Jim has six children and you would think one of them would be interested in farming. No - the farm is to big for them to handle & to much work. Jim was not into nonproductive animals .... till I came along. :) Took me 20 years, but he is mellowing more and more.

As far as Dempsy goes, I giggle every time he pouts about something. He definitely takes the farm for granted. He just trots out of the house like he owns the place. I feel blessed that I found him and was able to give this "little dribbler" a life to be envied.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



What beautiful video! Demps is so awesome riding with the wind in his face! Love it!

Edited to add:

P.S. If you want to hire a family of 5 plus another Cairn to come work the farm, I'll send in our application!


What a beautiful animal! (Sorry, Demps -- I meant the horse...)


LOL :lol: We would love to have you tomatoesandwich, even for a little while - no application needed - just a willingness to work. In all seriousness if any of you are in an economic crunch the farms are really hurting for help - it seems like it has been continuous for years now. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

And Kathryn - Pepper thanks you for the compliment. ... Dempsy hates sharing the spot light.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Maybe you could offer 1-2 week stays at your farm as a "Cairn Country Fun on the Farm Vacation". You'd get free labor, we'd all get a good workout and our Cairns would have the time of their lives! :)


Love the video and all the comments on this thread!


I have always dreamed of having a small farm. Some things I miss so bad at times I want to cry. Some of the things I miss the most I didn't think I would ever miss. Like getting up at 3 in the morning(on a 0 degrees winters morning) to feed the baby calf that lost her mother. Working in hay on a 100 degrees summers day. Lift those 60 to 70 pound bails( i only weighed 93 # at the time)

on those hot days the hay sticking to you, sweet pouring off.

The only people that seem to make any money off of a farm are the grocery stores. It is a shame that working so hard brings so little money. We just worked the farm for the rent, it wasn't

ours. I won't ever forget all the good and bad things we had to do.

I wish I lived closer I would come help in a heartbeat.

Hang on if you can cause you will miss it. Praying for you and all the farmers always.


As always, LOVE the video of Dempsy with his cute little face in the wind!

Your horse is beautiful!


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