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Titan's Big Day

Luke Bizzy

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Titan's having his neutering surgery today, making official his retirement from stud service. We have a great vet that is careful and thorough and has taken good care of our fur babes she's fixed in the past. But it always makes for a long day, while we wait till he can be checked out of the office. He'll no doubt have the post op hangover for a day or two and then hopefully start bouncing back. We won't be wringing our hands but we still will worry for him while he's having it done, regardless.

I will update his status later today.

Have a blessed day.


Good luck, Titan! We'll be waiting to hear how you are recovering.


Good Luck to all of you! Hope you all have a quick recovery! Hope he doesn't come home as a cone head: that'll make for some interesting days. And, to give you a break, hope he does have the hangover, at least for a little bit. Don't think the drugs were strong enough when Finn had his surgery 'cause he was up & running as soon as he came out into the waiting area. And I had so looked forward to a quiet evening with a drowsy puppy. The vet had advised me that neutering would diminish his energy level. Last time I saw the doctor I told him I wanted a partial refund :)


No matter how good you feel the vet is - you always worry. It's never an easy thing. Thousands of dogs go through this BUT the difference this time - it's YOUR dog, so I do understand perfectly. I'm sure he will be just fine and a tad out-of-it for the evening. Let us know how he does and try and relax. Hugs coming your way.

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Good luck on your big day Titan. Waiting to hear from you.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Good luck to everyone! Waiting is the worse - give him some extra hugs from all of us. :hug:


Don't worry, you won't even miss them Titan. Kirby did just great - and he doesn't mark....a bonus.


Let us know how Titan is doing! I hope everything went well and for your sake, I hope he wants to rest this evening. :)


T Man is home after surgery. He looks a little too perky for me, but I think that's a result of the local anesthesia still at work. When that wears off he may not be as spry. He had his teeth cleaned and a battery of blood tests done while at the vet's. It will serve as a good baseline for the future in case we need it. Everything checked out well. We are thankful.

Thanks for your kind remarks and sweet thoughts. Glad that's over.



I am so glad Titan is doing so well. I hope he is even better tomorrow.


Titan must have a high tolerance for pain. His anesthesia wore off during the night but he has shown no signs of uncomfortableness at all. He's running about like nothing happened. He slept quite peacefully in his crate with no complaints. We were on alert for when the meds wore off expecting the worse. Didn't happen. Now we will keep an eye out for him trying to lick his boo boo. Our previous little girl licked hers so much after being spayed that she wound up going back in to the vet for re-stitching. We don't want a repeat of that.

Blessings to all!


Titan is such a good boy. I'm glad to hear that he had no ill-effects from the surgery. :thumbsup: I know you must be relieved as well - as any operation can have its difficulties. Keeping an eye on him is imperative as you have already experienced with your previous dog. Keep us posted as to how he comes along.

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My gang wishes Titan a speedy recovery!

Bailey & Radar


Best wishes for a speedy recovery and quick return to Cairn mischief from Buffy. :hug:


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