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Fontanel (Soft Spot)


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Hi All,

My wife and I just recently brought home our 10 week old pup! He is great in every way! At our first vet check up, the Vet noticed he still had a Fontanel or "soft spot" in his skull. He said it should have been closed already, but it wasn't anything he was worried about and that it could close. If it doesn't he said we need to be careful and watch Oliver (our puppy) his whole life to make sure he doesn't hit his head in that area or it could cause problems... I am just wondering if anyone else has this problem or heard of it happening in Cairn Terriers?




So sorry to read about this issue with your new pup. We all worry about them when anything re their health comes up while they are so young. I seem to recall hearing about this condition in some human babies and in all cases the space closed up.

Hoping for the best for you! Let us know how things progress.



I new someone that had a dog (it wasn't a Cairn) that had a soft spot. It closed up. I can't remember how long it took , sorry. Wish I was more help.

We really like pictures on this site! HINT HINT


Thanks! I will start a new thread with pics once I get them off the camera, which my wife has and she won't be home till Friday!


Hi Zach84 - Welcome to the forum. So....you have a new puppy - isn't it wonderful? Although you need eyes in the back of your head to keep up with this little tyke, I'm sure Oliver will be a wonderful addition to your home. I went online to look up your puppy's situation and would like to ask - have you called back the breeder and discussed this issue with them? Sometimes, this can be genetic and if she is not aware of this - she should be. The web states that there is a possibility, over time, that this will close. However, it also says, that should it not close, you will have to be careful for the rest of his life so as to not harm himself on his head.

Pictures are a definite entry fee as we all love them. Hope you will continue to come in here and welcome any questions and comments.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


I know nothing about soft spots and I am hoping that it will grow together. Just wanted to welcome you and I love the name Oliver - bet he is a cutie - can't wait to see you pics.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


Idaho Cairns

Patience, I suspect this isn't unusual in ten week old puppies and goodness only knows how many live temporarily with the condition that was undiagnosed by a vet because they weren't checked or the vet missed it. I doubt that it will be a permanent situation. First time I ever heard of a Cairn that wasn't hard headed--I almost envy you.

You enjoy that puppy and send us some pictures!


Pa First time I ever heard of a Cairn that wasn't hard headed--I almost envy you.

You enjoy that puppy and send us some pictures!

Isn't that the truth! If Cairn wasn't synonymous with rock formations I would think it was with stubborn and hard headed. Welcome!
  • 1 month later...


All is well, his skull has completely closed and no more soft spot. Just took longer then usual!


Great news - now Oliver is free to be as Cairnlike as he wants. :thumbsup:


Wonderful update! I know he will fill your life with so much joy.


This is very good news! You must be so relieved. Thanks for letting us know!



Very happy to hear :thumbsup:


You now have a cairn with a hard head (like most of the rest of us). Be prepared!


That is Great. I am so happy to hear you have a hard headed Cairn! LOL


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