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Just a necessity of farm life

Dempsy's Mom

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Some of you are not going to like what I am about to tell you, but it is life on the farm. One of my jobs here on the farm (that I have inherited, for some unknown reason. It is not one I enjoy) is rodent control. We have a large population of racoon - they are very destructive and I trap them. Dempsy and I go out every morning to see if we have caught anyone and I am always relieved when we haven't. Dempsy has no reaction to the coon - very odd - but yesterday we caught a skunk. Dempsy went wild over the skunk. I shot it, left it in the cage to rid itself of the stink and this morning Demps and I went out and cleaned the cage. Demps wanted that skunk.

Then while we were out in the pasture I was trying to teach Demps to hunt gophers. What a silly dog. One gopher was poking his head out watching Demps walking around his hole and Demps never even caught on that he was being eyeballed. I showed Demps the hole and he was interested - sniffed - but no further effort was made. He has his nose on the ground all the time and needs to look up once in a while.

So then we went back to the house and Demps wanted to go sniff in his favorite area. It's an old burnt down hog barn. A cement slatted floor remains and we put stuff on it to keep dry. Well I was following Demps through the weeds - once again his nose to the ground - but this time I was very thankful. When I looked up - not two feet away from Dempsy's nose - were two of the cutest tinyest little baby skunks I have ever seen. "Oh my goddness!" I yelled and just then Demps looked up and saw the little skunks - his legs were haunch and ready and I reached down and grabbed his tail. What a relief that was to have hold of him. The little skunks scurried back under some old wood pallets. I took Demps back to the house - grabbed some old leather gloves - I was curious as to whether that was the mom we had killed in the trap. It was a female skunk and I am sure I would have noticed if it had been nursing, but these little ones were so tiny I wanted to help them if I could. I crept back to the pallets and there I could see .... mom .... mom was there and nursing them. I could hear their little sucking. Oh how very cute. Such a circle of life.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


Idaho Cairns

Nothing repulsive to me in that wonderful story. I certainly understand the need to rid one's property of destructive animals-coons can be hell on wheels and skunks beyond obnoxious. Most of us never have to protect our property, either because we don't have the varmints or because someone else will handle it for us--that's not the farm "way".


Lori, your Dempsy on the Farm stories are the best! Please keep them coming!


Once again a wonderful narrative. I, as well, am not repulsed by what is considered required living on a farm. For your sake, I'm glad the skunk didn't spray Dempsy as that would have been a disaster. As we live in the country, there have been animals that we have come across - coyotes especially - that for our sake as well as Layla's, hubby keeps a ready rifle. He does not take pleasure in having to do some things - just a necessity of life. Having lived my life in a large city, I was unaware of the wildlife and how dangerous they can be.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Just be careful because little skunks are fully loaded.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins


Well, that's what I was wondering. Surely those cute little baby skunks can't have their spray devices yet can they? Good thing mom was there so I didn't push my luck. And it's a good thing she was so preoccupied with her little babies that she didn't notice me. They were just so very cute - I think they came out because they were hungry and saw Demps and thought "there's ma!"

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Wonderful story! I too really enjoy the adventures of Dempsy!


I truly love hearing your farm stories. I wish you would write them more often.

I know that farming is not always a bed of roses.


Ah, a Cairn that is NOT a little "stinker" for a change! :P

Glad to hear Demps avoided a potentially bad situation. I will have to remember the tail trick for future reference.

Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories with us - they are very special.


lucky for the tail grab.... phew! Thanks for sharing your adventure!!

I became a dog person AFTER I got my dog.



That farm must be Cairn heaven. All those interesting smells! Ripley is such an assertive little thing. I would love to see her in that setting. Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:


I enjoy hearing about your life on the farm - but very glad that you could grab Demps before he got skunked!



Great story...I appreciate that you don't sugar-coat life on the farm.


Another wonderful farm life story...thank you! I loved how you had tried to encourage Demps to hunt the gophers (giggling here). I haven't seen baby skunks, they must be so cute but they grow up to be pests. Our own personal experiences - grumble, grumble.

Demps the Adventurer!


I too enjoy your wonderful stories of farm life and Demps's experiences. Keep them coming and well done for grabbing his tail just in time! original.gif



Baby skunks are adorable indeed - very cute and playful . . . and they pack a punch, too!

The tail is a handy control mechanism, isn't it? I remember one of our members saying she used her Cairn's tail to pull him out of a hole in the snow. It's also invaluable as a tool to keep a Cairn on her feet while performing a sanitary trim.


I looked it up - baby skunks, also known as kits, are born with scent glands and can use them as soon as 8 days after birth. Little stinkers!

I went out this morning to see if I could get some pictures and they were gone. Probably a good thing before I end up with skunk perfume all over me for the wedding this weekend. I can see Dempsy's little brain working now when we go outside - he wants to go back and see what those little kitties are doing. :P

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Ozzy wants to know if he can come spend the summer with Demps. :party:


It's a good thing you and Dempsy live on the farm... and not me. I am such an idiot. I am the one that herds baby magpies out of danger... and I hate the stupid things . :twisted: Screams if Jock is about to kill something!

I eat meat but if I see it killed... forget it! I would starve on your farm. :crybaby:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


Demps the Adventurer!

I think that should be the title of a childrens' book. Your stories are great.


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