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Tunnel Magic


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I am helping a friend out by breeding, whelping and raising her pups. Her girl had two boys and they are now 5 weeks old. They have homes so I can show the video.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


Thanks so much for sharing those beautiful puppies. I was smiling all the way through!

Hope to see more of them.

Idaho Cairns

I didn't want that video to end. What a great idea that PVC piping is! Those pups just seem to really enjoy their "tunneling" so very much. I'll bet it really helps in developing a Cairn pups most instinctual urges as well.


What lovely pups and how cute they are with that tunnel!



What a wonderful way to start the day -- Thank you!! I LOVE, LOVE the song you put to this video and watching them play brings tears of joy to my eyes.


That video is soooo sweet. Love the little puppers playing in and out of the "tunnel" - great use of PVC piping. Thanks for sharing such sweethearts.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


My cheeks hurt! :D They are so good at their tunnel magic! :magic: They are going to be great earth dogs. Just love the idea of the PVC pipe. All Cairn pups are magical - but they should all have their own tunnels. Love it!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



What a great idea with the tunnels and such gorgeous puppies wub2.gif



Wonderful pups and cute video. Bravo!


Beautiful video! I too love the PVC pipe I might have to make a trip to Lowes this weekend. My puppy loves dark small spaces in our home and our yard. She has gotten stuck under our couch a couple of times trying to get one of her toys.


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