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I am in deep water with Demps

Dempsy's Mom

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This weekend I was mowing. I was lazy and thought I could just nudge Dempsy's swimming pool over just a little - well it never pays to be lazy - .... I ran over Dempsy's pool. This morning it was hot and humid. I put Demps out as usual and I could tell he was wondering where his pool was? :confused1: Demps loves his pool. "Where is my pool mom?" So today I am going to pick him up a new pool until then he will just have to stay inside the air conditioned house. Sorry Demps.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Oops! Poor Demps - I'm sure he'll forgive you but you'd better get that new pool ASAP!


Better buy the deluxe model. :lol: When you come home with the new pool he will forgive you.


Oh my goodness Mom - what's up with you and the pool with a lawnmower? Maybe Dad should take away your lawnmower license. All will be forgiven when the new pool arrives I'm sure.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Poor Demps but I'm sure he'll forgive you when he gets his new one thumbsup.gif



Bad news for Demps. I went 40 miles west to a town and thought for sure I could find a pool there. No luck. They were all inflatable pools. So I came home pooless. But tomorrow I go 30 miles east and I know there is a pool there. Hang in there my sweet little boy!


Demps was outside for awhile on his leash. ( And, yes we did go for a Gator ride and then we came in.) And if looks could of talked I would of gotten something like this ... "Mom! There is no water in my water bowl!" he looks up at me, "What is with this water shortage! I don't have water outside, I don't have water inside, what is your problem!" He follows me over to the sink and follows me back and I feel like he is scolding me the whole time. I place his fresh water bowl on his mat - he promptly drinks and without looking up at me goes in his crate for a nap. OK! I got it.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Aw, poor little Demps! Take him for a Gator ride. That wind in his fur will cool him off a bit!


What's up with the dry spell, Demps!?!?! :confused1:

Hope you are barking and growling at that crazy lawnmower!


I'll bet that as he left the water bowl to take a nap he did a little "harrumph!" under his breath - Cairn language for "These uprights are so clueless!" :lol:


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