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4 years old


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Nena's latest thing is making her own decision about going outside if she has to go.

We have always just gone outside when I think she should have to go, first thing in the morning or during the day. But lately I put on her leash and we start towards the door or just get outside and I say lets go pee pee and she stops and pulls back the other way as if to say "no I don't have to go right now". It is really funny and I just say to her "I forgot you are a big girl now". She will not go any further and so we turn around and come back in.

No accidents in the house so I guess she is grown up after all.

Time goes to fast.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives

Very cute Nena. For goodness sake, don't they think YOU know when YOU have to peepee or poo ... but don't get to big for your britches. -_-

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



awww....good going Nena. Looks like you are a big girl now - just Mum isn't sure and still testing the waters.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


Nena is now training mom. Guess you did a very good job on bringing her up. She's a cutie!


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